Yvonne Kent


Age: 53

Occupation: Office manager

Health issue: Digestive issues 

Symptoms: I suffered from daily bloating and gas, and a feeling of being over full – as though food was just sitting at the top of my stomach and not digesting. Sometimes I would also have nausea.

Health recommendations: I came across a therapy called bioenergetics (BIE). BIE is a simple new natural modality that uses a GSR-120 unit to direct energy onto specific points on the body to help create a homeostatic state, therefore alleviating suffering. I found a local practitioner and had four treatments done, and all my digestive issues have been resolved. When you first read about bioenergetics it seems really bizarre that something like BIE could work –just trust that it does.

The results: It feels great that my system is back to normal; I just wish that I could have found BIE sooner. I strongly recommend it to anyone with digestive issues.