The Art of Living

Anastasia Griffith shows no signs of “trauma” in her balanced living. by bonnie siegler • photograph by daymion mardel When vibrant and energized Anastasia...

Emma Middleton

AGE: 19 OCCUPATION: Dietary Aide HEALTH ISSUE: Poor Digestion, Constipation and Bloating SYMPTOMS: Unfortunately, digestive issues run in my family. Certain food choices can irritate these symptoms...

Maureen Haw

AGE: 75 OCCUPATION: Retired Nurse HEALTH ISSUE: Arthritis SYMPTOMS: I don’t have a problem with arthritis and I believe it’s due to regular intake of turmeric. My...

Emma Stone

AGE: 29 OCCUPATION: Registered Midwife HEALTH ISSUE: Highly sensitive skin SYMPTOMS: My skin has always been over reactive. If a product such as a soap or moisturizer...

Wendy N. Clawsey

AGE: 39 OCCUPATION: Writer, Actor and Mother HEALTH ISSUE: Concussion from ski accident Symptoms: I lived in a fog, had personality change and everything constantly spun. I...

Jodi Sturge

Health issue: seasonal and food allergies, arthritic hands (reynards) and hormone and blood sugar imbalance Age: 32 Location: Victoria, BC Occupation: Tenant Support Worker Symptoms: My allergies caused...

June Morton

Health issue: myasthinia gravis (muscle weakness and exhaustion) Age: 66 Location: Victoria, BC Occupation: Retired Symptom: I first became aware that something was wrong in 1996. I was...

Pamela Rigler

Health issue: seasonal allergies and liver toxicity Age: 38 Location: Shawnigan Lake, BC Occupation: Customer Service Symptoms: My allergies caused asthma and bronchitis, and almost always progressed to...

Jenna Johnson

Health issue: Fatigue and Irritability Age: 24 Location: Caledon, Ontario Occupation: Masters student Symptoms: After experiencing extreme mood swings for a few months and starting the birth control...

Vicki Lundy

Health issue: Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Depression Age: 50 Location: Mississauga, Ontario Occupation: Transportation planning and development supervisor Symptoms: My fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome flared out...