10 Healthy Habits Every Child Should Learn By Age 10


You would be surprised at what a child can learn before turning 10! These are ten healthy habits that every child should practice to positively impact the rest of their lives.


  1. Practice self-love and positive affirmation


At a young age, children should learn to appreciate themselves. Teaching a child self-love and positive affirmation diminishes their chance of developing depression and anxiety later on in adult life. Furthermore, self-love and positive affirmation create a foundation of healthy thoughts and attitudes to build upon, like being compassionate to oneself instead of engaging in harmful self-blaming.


  1. Treat everyone with kindness, open-mindedness and respect


A child who is kind, opening-minded, and respectful can expect others to return the same treatment. Being courteous enables a child to sustain genuine connections with loved ones and develop an understanding and empathy towards the lives of others.


  1. Eat healthy every day


Besides emotional maturity, a child should be taught that eating healthy will never fail to benefit them. They will become physically stronger, feel emotionally stabilized, and thrive on endless amounts of energy – and they might appreciate ice cream more when they have an opportunity to eat it! Additionally, when they’re older, their bodies will feel that age is only a number.


  1. Exercise on the daily


By having a fun physical activity in their schedule, a child can engage in a healthy outlet that naturally releases endorphins. Furthermore, exercise can be used as a coping mechanism during times of stress. Kids today face an enormous amount of pressure from school and extracurricular activities. Many teens and young adults abuse Adderall to help them study. Having a solid coping mechanism can prevent a child from becoming dependent on drugs or alcohol during periods of high stress.


  1. Always implement social and table manners


First, by respecting a person’s verbal, i.e. subject manner, and physical boundaries, a child creates an inviting atmosphere for that person to comfortably connect with them. Table manners, on the other hand, are for etiquette. When sitting down for a meal with others, a child should know how to eat, speak after they have chewed and swallowed their food in order to avoid rudeness and inconsideration.


  1. Never forget to floss or brush teeth twice a day


It’s easy to avoid properly brushing and flossing every day out of laziness. But neglecting this necessary habit can prove to be detrimental to a child when they enter adulthood. Bacteria builds up in the mouth and in-between the teeth, which can create cavities and develop gum disease, thus deteriorating the quality of a person’s teeth – and their smile!


  1. Remain optimistic but realistic, especially in times of trouble


When the going gets tough, it’s automatic to immediately throw in the towel. But an optimistic and realistic child will understand that difficult experiences are inevitable parts of lmedical cannabisife and there are always things to look forward to afterwards. Gradually, they will become more accepting of unexpected challenges. This mindset helps a child stay grounded, remain in the present moment, and not recklessly get too ahead of themselves.


  1. Maintain composure, especially during times of strong emotion


Maintaining composure does not necessarily mean to suppress emotions, rather it’s being conscious of how emotions can affect a situation or the feelings of another person. Being able to notice the consequences of emotions at an early age will tremendously foster a child’s ability to be self-aware and quickly understand the feelings of those around them.


  1. Never abandon sincere character


Children who possess sincere character will implement candor into all their words, thoughts, and actions, which results in ultimately creating their quality of life. Character drives a person’s intentions, opens or closes the doors for opportunities, and leads one to connect with either the best or worst of people.


  1. Continuously build resilience


Life will always knock people down, but it’s a matter of how someone can stand back up again that truly matters. Resilience illustrates the caliber of a person’s ability to handle difficult events. If a child has resilience, they would always be ready to take on whatever the world wants to throw next – no matter the age – and they would do it with only the utmost strength and grace.