

Age: 27
Occupation: Business Analyst
Health issue: muscle eczema
Symptoms: I’ve had eczema since 2002, which I had noticed in the past could be linked to some foods. I went to Dr. Kanji, my naturopathic doctor to see if I could get some natural treatments and figure out what foods I’m sensitive to.
Health recommendations: He put me on a detox diet, which removed the most common inflammatory foods in my diet. Then I was to reintroduce foods one-by-one to see if my eczema flared up.
The results: My eczema completely cleared up on the detox diet, and I found that I was sensitive to dairy (cheese, milk and cream triggered my eczema, and butter and yogurt didn’t). I also found that I don’t react well to a lot of gluten or eggs in my diet. I usually get migraines and I was migraine-free on the detox!