Anne Rice


Anne Rice appeared as a Balanced Living story in 2012, and now that she has released the 11th book off of her Vampire Chronicles last month after 11 years, VIVA thought it timely to check in with her. Rice is a world-renowned best-selling author who writes about night-crawling creatures otherwise known as vampires, her most notable work being the 25 million selling Interview With The Vampire.

Rice grew up in New Orleans but now resides in Palm Desert, California. “I actually dread going back to New Orleans”, she says.  “It’s painful; I loved that city so much but I dread seeing it and being there when I don’t have an address there. Life has changed for me since moving to Palm Desert.” Her Garden District house in New Orleans has become a landmark for locals. Rice is famous for her Victorian wardrobe and for having shown up to her book signings in a coffin. Rice has taken time off to write other novels and take care of her health ever since being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 1998.

“My body seems sensitive to the excitement of writing – it’s a bit stressful.  I’ve discovered that if I’m writing, I’m going to be having to eat a little bit more,” she says. “Otherwise, my blood sugar goes down.  So I’ve learned to adjust everything in my life and I’ve been in very good health for several years.” (Photo credit: Matthias Scheer)