Are You Getting Enough Vitamin B?


> Sponsored by ESA Organic 

In this modern era, millions of people suffer from a deficiency of vitamin B for several reasons, chief among which are: stress, processed foods in the diet, toxins, refined sugar, drugs, cooking, malnutrition.

The deficiency of vitamin B leads to anemia and neurological disorders; deficiency in children can cause profound damage, much of which is reversible.

A normal level of serum vitamin B does not guarantee adequacy, methylmalonic acid concentrations are a much more reliable metabolic measure of vitamin B metabolism. People following a pure vegetarian (vegan) diet are at high risk (>50%) for metabolic vitamin B deficiency.

Vitamin B is found in all animal products (liver, muscle flesh, eggs, and dairy products are sources, in order from richest to poorest sources).

Plant foods contain little if any active vitamin B; produce grown in soil fertilized with cow dung may contain more B than commercially grown produce. Other good B vitamin sources are baked potato, banana, spinach, soybeans, wheat germ, cantaloupe, tuna in water, navy beans, bok choy, avocado, sunflower seeds, chicken breast, turnip greens etc.

Probiotic supplements are not a sufficient source of vitamin B; some products work better than others. A deficiency of vitamin B can increase your risk of heart disease. They help keep a substance called homocysteine in check by breaking it down. If the homocysteine levels go too high, your blood may clot easier which increases the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.

There are many ways to get enough B vitamins: eat a variety of fresh fruits and veggies, choose dark green leafy types, not pale green ones, eat whole grains like brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, whole grain cereals, oatmeal and barley instead of those with refined white flour, eat beans (or split peas) every day.

> Sponsored by ESA Organic