Better health from the Inside


We all suffer from digestive “issues” from time to time – bloating, gas, and constipation. Yet a healthy digestive system is responsible for more than preventing tummy trouble – it may also improve your energy, get your skin glowing and keep your immune system strong. Get your digestive health back on track.


To help break food down and move it more efficiently through your digestive tract, be sure to drink water both during and after meals. One of the most common digestive complaints is constipation, which you can remedy by increasing your fluid intake. This is especially important as you start to consume more fibre-rich foods, because additional fluids are needed to move the bulk through your system. Aim for eight to 10 cups of pure, filtered water every day.


Probiotics are healthy bacteria that inhabit your digestive tract where they stimulate the immune system, improve digestion and aid toxin removal. However, antibiotic use, stress and an unbalanced diet can disrupt the normal balance of bacteria in the body, reducing their protective effects. To get more probiotics, try probiotic-rich foods such as miso or kefir. Better yet, choose a high-quality supplement to obtain a daily therapeutic level of probiotics.


If you inhale your food or eat on the run, you’re more likely to suffer from indigestion, bloating and other digestive problems. Try and chew your food a little longer to help break it down into smaller parts. This allows your mouth to produce more saliva, which contains a digestive enzyme called salivary amylase that kick starts the digestive process. Your stomach can also process food more efficiently when it receives it as smaller particles.


If you’re prone to bloating, flatulence or heartburn after eating, that’s a sign you may be having some difficulty digesting food. The problem may have a lot to do with poor dietary choices. Digestive enzymes found naturally in raw foods are destroyed when food is refined, processed and cooked, leaving our bodies robbed of energy needed for growth, maintenance and tissue repair. To reduce uncomfortable digestive symptoms, try taking one to two broad-spectrum digestive enzymes (those that digest carbohydrates, fats and proteins) with meals to help your body break down these nutrients more effectively.


For better digestive health, try adding some fibre to your diet. Health experts recommend that healthy adults consume 25 to 38 grams of fibre each day, yet most Canadians eat less than half of this amount on a regular basis. Aim for seven to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, especially apples, citrus fruit, carrots and broccoli. Choose whole grain breads, cereals and pastas rather than refined “white” products and add a few tablespoons of bran or ground flaxseed on top of your regular bowl of cereal or yogurt.