Carleigh O’connell


Age: 22
Occupation: Student
Health issue: Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI’s)
Symptoms: My typical symptoms include painful urination and a constant urge to go to the washroom; occasionally I would see blood in my urine. I spent many hours in walk-in clinics and the emergency room waiting to be prescribed an antibiotic for relief.
Health Recommendations: After I started to get bladder infections fairly regularly, I began taking a natural cranberry supplement every day. The acidity in cranberries helps prevent bacteria from sticking to the lining of the bladder and reduces UTI’s. When I feel the beginnings of any discomfort coming on, I drink pure cranberry juice and a lot of water to flush my system. I also use unscented laundry detergent when washing undergarments, and I don’t use dryer sheets.
The Results: After keeping up with this regime for several months I can happily say I haven’t had a UTI in almost two years. I attribute my good urinary health to cranberries and lots of water.