Could watching adult films strengthen your relationship?


Watching racy movies has always been a source of debate—especially when it comes to tackling its place in a loving relationship. However, science has recently shown that adult films could help to strengthen romantic ties.


Here are a handful of reasons you and your partner should switch over to the adult channel from time to time:


  1. It relieves stress.


According to a survey by sex toy manufacturer Ann Summers, 23 per cent of women are less stressed out after watching sexually explicit movies. What’s more, over 85 per cent of women reported watching adult films as a “fantasy escape” from outside stressors.


  1. It can bring you and your partner closer together.


The same Anne Summers survey found that couples who watched adult films together on a regular basis were more committed to one another, while 58 per cent of women said it had a positive effect on their sex lives. Plus, over half of women surveyed said it gave them more confidence to express their desires to their partners, opening the floodgates for better communication—both in and out of bed.


  1. It can make your sex life hotter.


A study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior deduced that people who watched racy movies had more satisfying sex lives. Being able to explore and discuss various aspects of their sexuality with partners allowed the studied group to feel more comfortable—and open—during sex.