Ever Carradine: True Character

Ever Carradine: True Character

Ever Carradine on acting, family life and balanced living

Most people would recognize her from the award-winning The Handmaid’s Tale or Major Crimes or even as far back as Once and Again. That’s if Ever Carradine is recognized at all, even though she’s one of TV’s most prolific guest stars. With a flower child air about her, she lacks any of the hauteur you might expect in someone of her high-profile Hollywood pedigree. Carradine’s family includes father Robert Carradine, grandfather John Carradine, uncles Keith and David Carradine and cousin Martha Plimpton, all notable actors themselves.

It’s this same pedigree that Carradine credits with giving her the talent and independence to make it in Hollywood. At age 44, when many actresses experience a slowdown in their careers, Carrradine is going strong.


Despite her glamorous Hollywood lineage, Carradine maintains a low-key lifestyle in Los Angeles. “I think I’ve always thought of myself—I hate to say—as a character actor. I feel I’ve been all over the map, which helps me maintain an under-the-radar lifestyle. Every character is a little bit different in colour and fabric, so it doesn’t reveal all of me.”

Though she may not live a red-carpet lifestyle filled with endless parties, it can still be challenging to meet all the commitments in her busy life. The actress explains that when her hectic schedule takes centre stage, she tries to keep things on the level. “I’m trying to balance what’s important to me in life:  family, work, marriage and then there’s me.”

Today was a typical day for Carradine. She ticks off her first five hours, which began at 6 a.m. “I fed the kids breakfast, had my multigrain bagel with butter and honey along with two cups of coffee with whole milk, took my daughter to the bus stop, went for a workout and did some grocery shopping on my way back home so I could be back at 11 a.m.”


Ever enjoys a trampoline workout called LEKfit that offers her not only a complete body workout, but a relaxing hour as well.

“It’s a workout on a trampoline. After my first class I was totally hooked. There’s something about just surrendering to the exercise and the upbeat music and not thinking about what I look like while I’m doing it—so liberating. It seems like a team sport with the other women in the room. It feels good to feel strong and my posture is better since I’ve been doing it.  My body works more in balance.”

Carradine takes comfort in reading (right now Hillary Clinton’s new book) while sipping on Sleepytime tea with honey. She also unwinds while watching TV. “My husband and I watch Rachel Maddow every night, and we also watch Curb Your Enthusiasm, Stranger Things and I love SMILF. We have a two year old and a seven year old so at the end of the day, we’re pretty beat.”


Carradine takes pride in the home she has created for her two young children and husband, singer/songwriter Coby Brown, where they lead a very un-Hollywood life. On any given day, you can find the slim star there serving up one of her favourite homemade snacks.

“Guacamole with Have’A Corn Chip. Those are so good. It’s a great healthy snack for me at any time. The perk of having a lime tree is that I can smash an avocado, add some lime, salt and pepper and I’m good to go. I also make a mean quesadilla with avocado; really, it’s a California version of a grilled cheese. My secret pleasure is a Justin’s dark peanut butter cup—basically a Reese’s but organic. I’ve never really associated guilt with food, maybe because I’m lucky that I’m tall and thin.”

Carradine’s lithe beauty could be the by-product of healthy eating habits. Her other nutritional staples include fresh fruits and vegetables; apples, clementines, bananas, sliced turkey, cheese and no red meat. “I haven’t eaten red meat or pork since I was in the 6th grade. We eat a lot of fish around here.”


Her family tree is full of people gifted with exceptional acting talent—and health. Carradine has no history of significant family illnesses, and considers herself blessed with good genes overall. Perhaps it’s those genes which help her feel pretty comfortable with her looks. Carradine doesn’t spend endless hours in front of a mirror primping and posturing.

“I would never call myself a makeup product junkie. I’m loyal with the few brands I know and love. Okay, I’ve bought inexpensive nail polish at Rite Aid in weird colours. That’s my drugstore buy besides Tylenol.”

Now running to get her hair cut and buy new shoes before picking up her daughter at 3:10 p.m., Carradine laughs as she glances in her handbag, which is notably not filled with makeup.

“I always have my phone and Dr. Bonner’s lavender hand sanitizer. I see I’ve also put in a pressed juice. I read that spicy (food) helps your immune system and I’ve been running myself ragged lately so I like the juice with the apple, cayenne, lemon and ginger combination. Don’t gulp it down though, because it is spicy! Every time I drink it, though, I feel better.”

Before racing off to her errands, Carradine responds to the inevitable question that must be asked: What’s the story behind her name? Turns out, her parents unknowingly named her well, considering her habit of rising with the sun to get going with her busy day.

“My middle name is Dawn because I was born at dawn at home in Los Angeles’ Laurel Canyon to young, hippie parents in the 1970’s hippie culture.  And Ever made perfect sense. So here I am…Ever Dawn.  My husband always says I’m an early morning person.”