Forget squats! Give your booty a boost with 4 simple exercises


If you’re looking to give yourself a natural butt lift, chances are you’re turning to squats. While these exercises are a great addition to any booty workout, they only work the glutes from one angle.


Simply put, you’ll get better results if you mix things up a bit. Add these butt-blasting exercises to your bum routine, and you’re sure to feel the burn.


Repeat this entire circuit three times for a killer workout.



  1. Curtsy lunges


Start by standing with feet a hip’s width apart. Step your left leg behind you and to the right, crossing your thighs and bending both knees. Ensure that your front knee is aligned with your front ankle. Return to a standing position and switch to complete one repetition. Do 12-15 reps.



  1. Single leg deadlift


Stand on your right foot with your left leg bent in front of you so your knee is at hip height. Slowly bend forward, engaging the glutes and extending your left leg straight out behind you. Hold for a moment, then return to starting position in a controlled manner to finish one rep. Complete 10-15 reps.


  1. Single leg glute bridge

Lie on your back, bending your knees and keeping your feet flat on the floor. Extend one leg, and push your hips up toward the ceiling. Pause, and then lower your butt—without touching the ground. Repeat 10-15 times on each side.



  1. Flutter Kick


Lie on your stomach with your hands by your head. Engage your abs and glutes and straighten your legs until they are level with your hips. One at a time, lift your legs as high as you can while keeping your hips on the floor. Complete 20 repetitions.