Genetically modified salmon approved for sale in Canada


Health Canada has approved AquAdvantage Salmon for sale as food in Canada.

“The AquAdvantage Salmon is a GM salmon developed by AquaBounty Technologies Inc. to promote rapid growth during early life. This was achieved by introducing a growth hormone gene from the Chinook salmon to an Atlantic salmon,” says Health Canada in their statement.

According to rigorous Canadian scientific reviews, this product is as safe and nutritious as conventional salmon. Health Canada requires labelling for food products, including “genetically modified foods, where “clear, scientifically established health risks or significant changes to the nutritional qualities of the food have been identified and can be mitigated through labelling.”

The results of the modification is a significant increase in size of the fish. If you’re anything like us, you might want to steer clear of this new fish. Less is always more when it comes to what we want in our food.