Savory Summer Vegetable Tart with Almond Flour Crust

A Celebration of Summer: The Gluten-Free Way

Ah, the humble tart. A dish as versatile as it is delightful, especially when it whispers of summer with every bite. But here’s a twist you didn’t see coming: an almond flour crust that’s not just a nod to the gluten-free brigade but a hearty handshake, elevating the humble tart into the realms of nutty, savory heaven.

For the Nutty Almond Flour Crust:

1 and 1/2 cups of almond flour (for that perfect crunch)
1/4 cup of cold butter, diced (the secret to flakiness)
1 egg (to bind all the goodness together)
A pinch of salt (because a little seasoning goes a long way)

For the Lush Vegetable Filling:

1 cup of cherry tomatoes, halved (bursting with sweetness)
1 small zucchini, thinly sliced (for that tender crunch)
1/4 cup of pesto (rich and herby)
1/2 cup of crumbled goat cheese (creamy and tangy)
Fresh thyme leaves (for that final flourish)
Crafting Your Tart:

Start by preheating your oven because this tart waits for no one. Combine your almond flour, cold butter, egg, and a pinch of salt. Mix until it forms a dough that whispers promises of golden perfection. Press this mixture into a tart pan, gently coaxing it to fit the shape. Pop it into the oven and bake until it’s golden and ready to hold the treasures that will grace its base.

Once your crust is a golden delight, it’s time to layer on the pesto – a herby spread that’s the soul of this tart. Arrange your halved cherry tomatoes and thinly sliced zucchini in an artful manner that pleases the eye. Sprinkle the crumbled goat cheese generously, for it’s the tangy contrast we all crave in a summer dish.

Into the oven it goes again, until the vegetables tenderly submit to the warmth and the cheese melds. As it bakes, the aromas wafting through your kitchen will promise good things to come. Once done, allow the tart to cool just a tad.

Here is the Avant-Garde twist:

This isn’t just any tart. The almond flour crust is our little rebellion against the ordinary, adding a depth of flavor that complements the freshness of the summer vegetables and the tangy kick of the goat cheese. It’s a gluten-free adventure into taste, texture, and sheer delight.

So there you have it, a dish that’s as much a feast for the eyes as it is for the palate. Perfect for summer gatherings, or when you’re just in the mood to treat yourself to something special. Bon Appétit!