


Work and home are at odds and demand much of your time. Meet responsibilities now and extra work brings success later. Hidden matters are revealed and it’s best to confront adversaries or those trying to control you with your intellect. Your position is stronger than you think.


You are building new foundations and structures in your life. Never afraid of hard work, Bulls will find they have more resources now, and you are paving the way for growth in a few areas—like at work or in educational pursuits. You are an inspiration for others as your leadership ability is highlighted.


Managing finances will limit cash flow issues. Your tendency to extravagance needs some work and now is a time to be more responsible with money. Take care that you are not deceived by yourself or others and make an effort to carefully review any new opportunity presented now.


You are a great problem-solver as you never give up. Stop with the worrying and start tackling each job one-by-one and you’ll achieve your goals. Home and family should be your respite from work stress, so instead of hibernating tell them you need pampering. Love and romance are also highlighted.


Sometimes you bore easily, and although this past year brought some trouble you are still in transition. Health problems now are likely stress-related so take some time to play, meditate, or relax and read a book. A bombastic attitude now is the result of your own folly. It’s time to mend fences with humility.


You may be griping about something that is out of your control but a change is good. Discover how you can work with the proposed changes but if you must leave a situation behind then make a clean break and move forward. This new direction will likely be very good for you.


It’s one thing to have great ideas but it’s another to act on them. You can’t do everything you would like so stay balanced and act only on what you have time and money for now. Do not borrow or waste either resource, yet this is still a very good period for you to create a great life.


You thrive on hard work normally but if you have to pick up someone else’s “slack” you won’t feel happy about that as you believe everyone should carry their weight. Take care not to push your own weight around however, particularly around the boss, to avoid making it worse.


Financial matters need your attention, particularly if you are about to spend for your home or other major expense. Home renovations maybe? Best to not move too quickly. Take extra care while traveling now to not lose belongings, miss reservations or be fooled by another’s deceitful ways.


Now is a good time to clear away anything old and out-worn (including ideas). First, recognize you can’t keep everything, even if it was once good for you, and hang onto only the basic essentials needed now. That way you’ll have more room for the good stuff coming just around the corner.


You may have been working diligently behind the scenes to bring about something new and wonderful. Your heart and mind have been inundated with little revelations about yourself for the past year and this trend only continues. Work these gifts into your life and circle of friends and family.


You grumble about this current period of hard work yet the time is good for you overall. You work best in a group so ensure the current group is the best one for you. A revelation or two will provide more clarity perhaps from within yourself. Listen to that “voice in your head” for best counsel now.