Is yogurt key in avoiding osteoporosis?


While it is well-understood that dietary calcium is key in promoting bone health, a recent study shows that yogurt, specifically, may be a champion of bone strength.


A study out of Trinity College Dublin has found that increased yogurt consumption is associated with a higher hip bone density. This translates into a significantly reduced risk of osteoporosis in older men and women.


Osteoporosis is a chronic condition associated with a reduction in bone strength and an increased risk of bone fracture. This ailment affects one in three women and one in five men across Canada, making it a serious issue for Canadians as a whole.


The Irish study found that each unit increase in yogurt intake in women was associated with a 31 per cent lower risk of osteopenia (reduced bone mass) and a 39 per cent lower risk of osteoporosis. In men, a 52 per cent lower risk of osteoporosis was found. Vitamin D supplements were also associated with significantly reduced risks both in men and women.


“Yogurt is a rich source of different bone promoting nutrients and thus our findings in some ways are not surprising,” says Dr Eamon Laird, lead author of the study and research fellow at the Centre for Medical Gerontology, Trinity. “The data suggests that improving yogurt intakes could be a strategy for maintaining bone health but it needs verification through future research as it is observational.”


Start your day off with a cup of delicious yogurt—your bones will thank you!