Through Hell and Back

How Jaime King overcame infertility

After many years of grueling pain, weight gain, and infertility treatments, while shuttling among nine different doctors, actress Jaime King, best known for roles in films “Sin City,” “Pearl Harbor” and TV’s recent “Hart of Dixie,” finally had her answer—endometriosis. Endometriosis, as defined by the Mayo Clinic, is a painful disorder, in which the tissue that normally lines inside of the uterus, grows on the outside.

Her struggles with endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome led to infertility and, ultimately, five miscarriages prior to her first successful pregnancy. James Knight Newman was born in October 2013, while her second son with husband, film director Kyle Newman, was born in July 2015. The ecstatic couple named him Leo Thames. Taylor Swift—yes, that Taylor Swift—was named as the child’s godmother.

King, a native of Nebraska, had already made a name for herself appearing in many top fashion magazines before leaving New York’s runway scene for Los Angeles at the age of 19 to focus on acting. When King was cast in Newman’s Star Wars-themed movie, “Fanboys,” in 2006, the couple connected instantly and married soon thereafter. “If it wasn’t for my husband, I don’t think I’d have much of a social circle,” King says. “I wouldn’t have the happiness I currently enjoy with my children and I wouldn’t have the unconditional love.” The actress enjoys being at home with friends and family. “That’s what makes me happy.”


“Endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) cause infertility,” explains King on her struggles to have children. Unfortunately, many women of various ages struggle with infertility.

Through her twenties, the now 36-year-old suffered with maladies not normally associated with typical menstrual cycles, including severe pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, passing out, weight gain in hips and thighs, nausea, and a feeling that she just couldn’t get out of bed. “I just felt these were normal symptoms that every woman had.”

“There is no cure for endometriosis but, there are remedies,” King says she took birth control pills, which is one way to suppress endometriosis.

The actress wants to be outspoken about her infertility issues because she hid her struggles for a long time out of shame. “I hear about so many women going through the same [issues]. If I’m open about it, hopefully, I can help educate women and I can use my voice to spread the word,” says King.


King went through nearly five years of fertility treatments, only to end up conceiving naturally. Now, similar to other new mothers, King is adjusting to a life disrupted by a toddler and infant. “I don’t sleep much”. She balances a busy life with two young kids, a husband and a thriving career that now includes her maternity fashion line, which is available at A Pea In The Pod high-end maternity boutiques.

“At night, I love to write, read, catch up on my favourite TV shows and songs,” says King. “I love late nights because there’s a feeling of peace—everyone’s in bed and I have silence in a quiet place…” Other forms of “me time” for the actress include hiking and walking around her hilly neighbourhood, writing and reading poetry, photography and meditation. “It’s all the little moments in between where I find ‘me time.’”

While her life thrives on daily organized chaos, King’s thoughts, actions and moods are centred in a free spirit that stems from her middle-class childhood and being raised with three siblings. “My parents couldn’t afford to pay all of our college tuitions or buy us cars for our ‘Sweet 16’ birthdays,” she says. “Every summer we went to the Ozarks for vacation and that was very special for me because I didn’t know anything different. It was all about love and love can be very powerful. Growing up, I wasn’t popular or cool; I was artsy and creative. So am I a free spirit? I would say this: within discipline I find freedom, so I’m very disciplined and because of that, I’m free.”


During her modeling heyday, King admits that she did not have the best eating habits. Standing at 5’9,” she illustrates how she takes better care of herself. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t care about my weight, but I’m not obsessed with it. I grew up in an industry that the way my body looked was my value, and that’s a lie. I want to be lean, healthy, vibrant and strong.” To achieve that, King eats as much farm-to-table and whole foods as possible.

King’s fridge is stocked with green smoothies, carrots, celery, cheese, turkey slices, berries, dark chocolates and lean meats. “I love hamburgers,” she admits. If the actress has a signature dish, it would be pasta with roasted Brussel sprouts and roasted butternut squash. “When I’m working 12 to 15 hour days, I want to make sure I’m getting the same nutrients that my mother was giving us. Many of our family members were farmers and she made sure we had well-rounded meals. That’s what I want for my family, too.”

Vitamins Bs, C and D along with magnesium play an important role in King’s life. “Magnesium is very relaxing for the muscles and the mind—a good stress-release supplement.”

King added a sword tattoo to her many other inks after her son, James Knight, was born—and she wants to augment her body with another one soon. The actress wants a tattoo that says, “Forgive them for they know not what they do,” which is a quote taken from Luke 23:34, a scripture verse from the Bible. “My goal and mantra in life is to always know that despite the negativity in the world, people are not all haters. We are not Neanderthals anymore. We need to change society and the people hurting on the inside. I don’t want my children growing up in a world without love.”

Photography by Elisabeth Caren

Hair by Sascha Bruer
Makeup by Bethany McCarty
Wardrobe Styling by Ashley Zohar
Photo Assistants Corey Deguia and Scott Byrne
shot on location in Pacific Palisades, California courtesy of Partner’s Trust