Jenna Johnson


Health issue: Fatigue and Irritability
Age: 24
Location: Caledon, Ontario
Occupation: Masters student
Symptoms: After experiencing extreme mood swings for a few months and starting the birth control pill, I was constantly crying for no apparent reason. My extreme emotions were causing problems with my family, school, and relationship with my boyfriend. I was also sleeping at least 10 hours a night, plus taking a nap mid-afternoon.
Natural Health Recommendations: To take fish oil supplements and calcarea carbonicum and to track my diet for one week. Upon diet analysis, I was advised to remove peanut butter, plus eat more protein in the morning to help with my mood and energy level. After a few more appointments with my naturopathic doctor, I was put on vitamin B supplements to help with stress levels and potentially counteract the side effects from the birth control pill.
Results: I am no longer as moody as I once was, and if I feel
a bad when I wake up, I take additional calcarea carbonicum.
I have become more productive at school, more pleasant to be around, and my relationship feels new again.