Make your next Diet work


Make your next Diet work


by Kerrie Lee Brown


You hear about new types of diets and food tricks “that work” every year from Hollywood A-listers and fitness enthusiasts alike. When you put the diet to the test, however, it often fails to pro¬duce the results you were looking for.

What works for one person won’t necessarily work for you. “The biggest thing to remember is that whatever diet you choose, it’s got to be one that you will absolutely follow,” explains Rehan Jalali, C.S.N., celebrity fitness expert and author of The Six-Pack Diet Plan. “If a diet is perfect and you don’t stick to it, then its useless. Practicality in a diet is key.”

Having trained hundreds of professional athletes and celebrities, Jalali says the number one weight-loss trick is simple: Be realistic. “I believe deeply in customization for every body because every body type is different. You should choose a diet that is good for your specific goals, needs, and internal body type.”

To find the best diet for you, Jalali suggests doing blood work (which can give you a practical idea of what you’re working with at the start), plus an assessment of your overall goals and needs. For example, if you are low in iron, carb sensitive, want to lose weight and improve athletic performance, then certain diets, such as Paleo, might be something to consider.

Vanessa Perrone, RD, MSc, Nutritionist and Owner of Motive Nutrition in Montreal says it’s also important to look at your past failures and not make the same mistake twice. “If you need struc¬ture, like being told what to eat and not to eat to be successful, then consider that when making your choice,” she explains. “If you are a rule-breaker, and don’t like feeling deprived, then steer clear of prescriptive diets since they will force you to rebel and call it quits.”

In fact, most experts agree that if you’re looking for weight loss that will stay off, then the best way is to choose a diet you can stick to for the long haul. Remember, eating right and exercis¬ing regularly is a lifestyle. You can’t just expect to change your eating habits one day and be slim the next.

Because there isn’t a one-size fits all diet, we’ve looked at six of the most popular diets out there and weighed the pros and cons to help you determine which diet is best for you. We’ve also listed the celebrity match. If you think your personality is simi¬lar, chances are it might work for you too. Be realistic about your needs, goals and will power and find out which of the following diets is the best fit for you.

Celebrity Devotee:

Kim Kardashian 33rd Birthday Celebration at Tao Nightclub in Las Vegas on October 25, 2013

Kim Kardashian has lost 25 pounds since giving birth to baby North West with the Atkins Diet.

What it is:

The Atkins Diet is a low-carb diet that promises you will lose weight and not be hungry. You’ll also be on the road to better heart health and memory function. The diet consists of various phases beginning with a very low carbohydrate phase of about 20 grams in the morning. You gradually work your way up to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. The drastic cut in carbs and relative increase in pro¬tein and fat during the initial phase of the Atkins diet brings the body into a state called keto¬sis. Ketosis is when the body is forced to use fat as a fuel source since glucose (sugar) stores in the body are empty.

Who it’s best for:

The Atkins diet allows most foods as long as the carbohydrate portions are very small. If you are the type of person who needs a little of your favourite food, and can stop there, this may be for you. It’s also great for carnivores who don’t want to give up meat.

How long should you stay on it?

New research has shown that a carbohydrate-managed approach can succeed for weight loss in the long term. While the initial phase of the Atkins diet is very prescriptive, the maintenance phase is more sustainable in the long run.


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The ketogenic phase of the Atkins diet severely cuts foods from the plant kingdom, which tend to be more carbohydrate-heavy (such as fruit, vegetables, legumes etc.). As a result, it falls short nutritionally and is not recommended for anyone with type 1 diabetics. Perrone urges those on a very low carbohydrate or ketogenic diet to take a quality

multivitamin supplement and greens supplement during that phase.


Celebrity Devotee:

"Girl in Progress" Los Angeles Special Screening - Arrivals

Eva Mendes is a faithful follower of the South Beach Diet.

What it is:

A lowcarb diet that focuses more on eating healthy fats rather than shunning all carbs. It also looks at the glycemic impact of carbohydrate foods (how quickly blood sugar rises in response to a food).

Who it’s best for:

The quick weight loss during the initial phase can be very motivating, especially to newbies. There is no calorie-counting (a plus), although the diet does come with lists of foods that are allowed and foods that must be avoided, which can send any dieter prone to “diet deprivation anxiety” completely off the wagon.

How long should you stay on it?

The South Beach Diet is based on the observation that North Americans are carb-crazy. That’s the reason for the induction phase. “The first two weeks are meant to help people quit craving carbs – and this is why carbs are minimized throughout the diet,” explains Jalali. “It’s best for anyone looking to lose weight on a longer-term basis because it’s a lifestyle change.” It does help people focus on eating better quality of foods, which is a plus.


Similar to Atkins, be aware that during the induction phase, much of the initial lost weight is water weight. Losing this much water can throw your electrolyte balance off. So if you’re follow¬ing the diet, it’s a good idea to work closely with a registered dietitian or your doctor.


Celebrity Devotee:

9th Annual Pink Party Benefiting Cedars-Sinai Women's Cancer Program - Arrivals

Brooke Burke admits to trying just about every diet craze imaginable, but says it’s the Mediterranean diet plan that works best for her.

What it is:

The Mediterranean diet consists of many fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts legumes, fish, seafood and a lit¬tle red meat. It’s called a diet, however, Perrone suggests it’s really a dietary pat¬tern. It’s a way of eating that has shown to be protective for many of today’s chronic conditions: heart disease, diabe¬tes, cancer, mental health and longevity.

Who it’s best for:

Perrone says since it isn’t a diet per se, it was never really designed for weight loss. Therefore enjoying a Mediterranean diet will not cause a drastic drop on the scale in the first weeks as other crash diets can. If you’re looking for fast results, this isn’t for you. However, it is the one best suited eating plans for a lifelong commitment and results that last.

Jalali adds: “Since this diet is a lifestyle program, it’s not for someone who regularly takes selfies and posts them on social media. It’s more of an internal health builder than a six-pack builder.”

How long should stay on for?

Perfect for those ready to take charge of their health and adopt a lifestyle that will impact all their health, not just their weight, in a big way. The Mediterranean diet is all about real, good food pre¬pared in a simple way, making it very easy for dieters to stick to. Perrone says the pleasure of eating is at the forefront, which, besides the mountain of research behind its beneficial effects on health, is what makes this particular way of eating stand out from your typical diet. “This diet is a lifestyle change and quite oppo¬site to other diets that are normally synonymous with restric¬tion, deprivation and disappointment.”


Celebrity Devotee:

70th Annual Golden Globe Awards Nominations

Megan Fox is known for her perfect body, which she credits to eating like a cave girl.

What it is:

Also known as The Caveman Diet, or the Paleolithic (or Paleo), Stone Age, and Warrior diets, the Paleo diet is a plan based on eating plants and animals similar to what cavemen are presumed to have eaten around 10,000 years ago. The main premise is to eat like a caveman – meats, veggies, nuts, organic food, wild fish, and grass fed beef – as our bodies are genetically programmed to eat like our Paleolithic ancestors. Some experts claim it’s the biologically appro¬priate diet that suits us best, with the proper bal¬ance of nutrients to promote health and reduce the incidence of chronic diseases. Supporters of this diet typically claim that today’s typical Western diet is responsible for the epidemic levels of obesity, heart disease, diabetes etc.

Who it’s best for

According to Jalali, the Paleo diet is good for people looking to lose 15 to 30 pounds. And it’s particularly a good eating plan for over¬all sports performance. For most people who follow this diet, the fact that it delivers the best overall results is all they need – such as improved blood lipids, weight loss, and reduced pain from autoimmunity. They also believe in it because it’s the diet that’s stood the test of time – and it’s packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.


How long should you stay on it?

“The difficulty is putting the theory into practice. For example, when you cut out dairy you put yourself at risk of not con¬suming enough calcium so you may have to supplement,” says Jalali. Overall, it’s a long-term lifestyle change and does require some willpower to say no to dairy and shun wheat. The long-term health and body benefits are worth it though.


Celebrity Devotee:

D&G Flagship Boutique Opening Benefiting The Art of Elysium - Arrivals

Ginnifer Goodwin went vegan because: “You can eat more without gaining weight.”

What it is:

The vegan diet is an elimination diet that cuts out all meats or meat-based foods. It is a complete plant-based diet. Veganism is a type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingre¬dients. “Many vegans also do not eat foods that are processed using animal products, such as refined white sugar and some wines,” adds Jalali. “The key to a nutritionally sound vegan diet is variety.” A healthy and varied vegan diet includes: fruits, vegetables, plenty of leafy greens, whole grain products, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

Who it’s best for

Ultimately this diet is for people who are disciplined. “It’s okay for people looking to cut meats and be healthier. It’s not neces¬sarily good for weight loss as it lacks in protein, heme iron, and other nutrients important for fat loss and lean muscle gain,” explains Jalali.

A vegan diet includes all grains, beans, legumes, vegetables and fruits and the nearly infinite number of foods made by combining them. Many vegan versions of familiar foods are available, so you can eat vegan hot dogs, ice cream, cheese, and vegan mayonnaise.

How long should you stay on it?

It eliminates major food groups so monitor minerals like iron and zinc, which are lacking in vegans.

Vegans can be deficient in calcium, iron, vitamin D, selenium, phosphorous, and zinc. In addition, a vegan diet is very low in the non-essential nutrient creatine, therefore, it is possible that creatine supplements may be particularly helpful for vegan athletes.

If you’re thinking of converting to vegan¬ism, speak with your nutritionist to make sure you have all your nutritional bases cov¬ered and take supplements in any areas that may be missing.


Celebrity Devotee:

Licensing Expo 2013 - Day 1

Gwyneth Paltrow is a huge fan of detox diets and does them a few times a year. She even created a seven-day elimination diet for her fans at goop.

What it is:

Detox diets come in all shapes and sizes. Generally speaking, a detox diet will cut out all processed foods and includes high-fibre foods (if solids are permitted) and lots of water to induce regular bowel move¬ments, sometimes aided with laxatives, herbs or other supple¬ments. The premise of detoxing is to cleanse the body from toxin overload.

Who it’s best for

“If done right, a detox diet can be used to help someone kick start a healthier lifestyle – and set the tone to a better way of eating by cutting the processed load in the diet,” says Perrone. If someone is looking for a structured way to get back on track, a detox is a good option.

“It’s also for anyone who wants to re-set the body, has liver issues, or feels burned out on their current plan,” adds Jalali. Be warned that detoxes or juice cleanses shouldn’t be mistaken as a pound-shedding solution. The weight loss is a result of the controlled, low-calorie count, and pounds lost most often return once the detox is stopped. It should be meant to loose a few pounds before a big event or reset you on a path to healthy eating.

How long should you stay on it?

Most detox diets last between two and 30 days, depending on the type of cleanse. Jalali suggests looking for cleanses that focus on juices and green drinks in the first week – and watch out for detox diets that are too extreme or limit nutrients.


A few days on any diet are unlikely to pose any nutritional problems, however, symptoms such as nausea, headaches, fatigue and even vom¬iting are commonly reported on the first two days of a detox.

For a healthy person, these symptoms will not pose a significant health risk, how¬ever anyone who is pregnant, breastfeeding, diabetic or with any other medical condition should avoid cleanses.