Maria MacRae


Health issue: metastatic breast cancer
Age: 53
Location: Scarborough, Ontario
Occupation: Senior office assistant
Symptoms: I was first diagnosed in 2004 with stage II breast cancer. I followed up every four months with my oncologist and felt confident that my cancer was in remission. In September 2007, I started to feel more tired than usual, so I joined a gym to try and gain some energy
I lost. I began to experience pain in my left hip, which was diagnosed as bursitis. I went for the tests to confirm this diagnoses and even had a couple of cortisone shots. I felt no relief and started walking with a cane. I complained to my family doctor about pain in my chest that pulled on my arm. She immediately sent me for a chest x-ray, which revealed bilateral lung nodules. I then had a bone scan and CT scan, which confirmed metastatic breast cancer to the lung and bone.
Health Recommendations: I sought out my naturopathic doctor
and discovered that I have a lowered immune system, digestive problems, several food sensitivities and a sluggish lymphatic system.
My naturopathic doctor recommended that I go on a 21-day cleanse
and take several supplements.
Results: In the last year of doing the 21-day cleanse and taking supplements, I have had a better quality of life while doing the conventional treatments for my cancer. I am eating a well-balanced diet and using a lot less sugar and salt. I don’t miss them anymore and my body has adjusted. The intensity of my pain has decreased and I no longer use my cane. I am able to do nine-kilometre walks and I’m looking forward to implementing a swim and yoga routine. I also find that my immunity system is working a lot more efficiently.