Nicole Richie



To give her life balance Nicole Richie says “I am up before the sun every morning. I like a good hour by myself while everyone is still sleeping. I go out in the garden, relax and have some hot water with lemon. I just take some quiet time before I start my day.”


Debra Messing has found an easy way to drop pounds fast. She takes SoCal Cleanse Detox Nutraceutical as a supplement. It contains ingredients such as dandelion root and milk thistle that quickly flush excess water weight and fat-trapping toxins.

Uma Thurman is a believer in the natural healing philosophy of gem therapy that aids in physical and emotional health by blocking the body’s energy center, resulting in less illnesses. She says she uses it for unblocking negative energy and healing the body.

Ashley Judd swears by wheatgrass juice for boosting her immunity and healing the body. “It doesn’t taste so good, but it really does help.”