OMG! Could texting help you lose weight?


Better get fluent in emoji: a new study shows that texting your friends can help you—and them—to keep up with weight loss goals.


By roping your friends and family into holding you accountable for your goals, you’ll keep your motivation levels at an all-time high. Start a group chat with your workout buddies and send encouraging texts to one another to stay determined.


Study author Mandy Schippers, an e-research developer at the University of New South Wales, says that giving your friends direct and specific feedback shows that your invested in their overall process. By discussing your journeys together, you’ll keep each other on track to reach your goals—and make each other feel less alone while doing it.


A variety of social apps are also available for working out, including MapMyRun, Nike+, and PumpUp. Using these can help you and your friends keep track of each other—or let you see how strangers across the globe are doing.


Try making your next workout plan a team effort—you’re sure to enjoy the results!