Should you consider tattoo removal?


Got embarrassing tattoos that seemed like a great idea at the time?


You’re not alone. According to a poll taken in 2011 by Harris Interactive, 1 in 8 American adults with tattoos regret at least one of them. Not to mention The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) reported the number of tattoo removals increased dramatically between 2012 and 2013, going up by 52 percent.


Tattoo artists create tattoos by using a high-powered machine to repeatedly insert needles into the skin, depositing ink into the inner layer of skin called the dermis. This process is meant to ensure the tattoo lasts a lifetime. So, if you are thinking about getting any tattoos removed, it won’t be easy—and there is a lot for you to consider.


One of the most popular methods of removal is laser surgery. When performed by a trained dermatologist, laser removal is one of the safest and most effective methods to remove a tattoo. The laser removal process starts by zapping the skin with a powerful laser, which breaks the tattoo pigment into small particles, allowing the pigment to either be metabolized or absorbed by the body. Laser removal is known to be painful and time consuming, taking on average six to ten rounds of treatment to be effective. While the pain can be managed by a qualified dermatologist, scarring is sometimes inevitable. Symptoms include minor bleeding and soreness, but when the procedure is done right they shouldn’t last long.


Other methods of removal include dermabrasion, which involves sanding the top layer of the skin, or excision—cutting the tattoo out and sewing the skin back together. At this time, tattoo removal creams are not regulated. These creams are not clinically proven and can cause unpleasant skin reactions.


At the end of the day, tattoo removal is a process. Laser removal is the most tested and regulated method, but it doesn’t come without its disadvantages. The best thing to do would be to talk to a dermatologist who specializes in tattoo removal and let them help you decide what is best for you.