Sitz Baths Do More Than Help You Relax


For centuries using Epsom salt baths to sooth the problems that can arise in the hip area and down below has been a great solution. The bath that provides a little extra relaxation adds minimal pressure while treating your sensitive area.

The magnesium intake through sitz baths is one of the key benefits, since it can be difficult to take into the body through digestion, absorbing through the skin is the next best method. Over the years, our diet and agriculture have evolved to deprive many of us of magnesium, that’s why sitz baths are so important. According to the National Academy of Sciences, American’s magnesium deficiency helps to account for high rates of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive maladies, stress-related illnesses, chronic fatigue and a number of other ailments.

The more fat, sugar, salt and protein we take into our bodies, makes it difficult to maintain high magnesium levels.

Other soothing benefits to Epsom salt baths include easing foot pain, sunburn pain, fibromyalgia and arthritis pain and insomnia. There are also specific cases a sitz bath might be the right solution, which can be post-pregnancy tenderness, infections, and post surgery in the nether region. Without scrubbing and irritating the skin a sitz bath gently cleanses, and supports healthy blood flow to aid healing.

So if you’re looking to make the most of some extra relaxation time, or looking to solve a frustrating health issue, all and all sitz baths are a great option to try out.