Soul 7 Frequency Spa Helps Your Body Heal

soul 7 frequency spa

—by Toni-Marie Ippolito

Need some time to de-stress and refocus? Soul 7 Frequency Spa tunes your body so that it can function in an optimal state.

When we often hear about “alternative” healing methods, many people are skeptical about their effectiveness in helping the body. Turns out, alternative methods may not be a bunch of hooey after all. Soul 7 in Toronto is one of those calm, meditative healing spas you can guarantee leaving with a calm sense of self and mind.

What is Soul 7 Frequency Spa?

Soul 7 is a Frequency Spa, a new evolution of the traditional spa that integrates Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field frequency technology (PEMF) to detox, cleanse, reduce stress, boost energy and your immune system, enhance focus, productivity, and sleep—all designed for optimal self-care. It was founded by a former lawyer, Bob Berman, who was inspired to create the centre after losing his wife to cancer.  Throughout that struggle, he explored many alternative-healing methods that took him on a journey around the world in search of the ideal blend of healing technologies.

“To heal naturally, we need to balance the sympathetic frequency technology energies of our nervous system,” says Berman. “It is all your immune flow the body to create it can heal itself. One can achieve that Flow State optimal self ways. Our Mindful Healing Technologies help that process.”

What is Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF)?

Soul 7 uses what they call “Mindfulness Technologies” that are designed to nourish your mind, body & soul. They work synergistically to balance the nervous system, boost the immune system and transform one’s state of mind. Each of the treatments at Soul 7 uses PEMF, (Health Canadaapproved) which helps to stimulate healthy cells.

PEMFs work to help:

· Reduce pain, inflammation, the effects of stress on the body, and platelet adhesion.

· Improve energy, circulation, blood and tissue oxygenation, sleep quality, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, the uptake of nutrients,cellular detoxification and the ability to regenerate cells.

· Balance the immune system and stimulate RNA and DNA.

· Accelerate repair of bone and soft tissue.

· Relax muscles.

Studies have shown that vibrations stimulate the nervous systems, which control the brain and muscular function. When sound and PEMF are synchronized they cause the body to focus, which clears the mind and naturally relieves tension.

Here are the Soul 7 Frequency Spa Programs in detail:

Detox & Cleansing: Everything from the food you eat,exposure to second-hand smoke and heavy metals will impact cellular health. Theseharmful toxins affect the body’s ability to cleanse and renew.  This program prescribes frequencies to detoxyour body cell by cell and removes harmful toxins from your major organs.

First 30 minutes: focuses on mentally detoxing the mind from oxic thought patterns using specially designed sound and light brainwaveentrainment along with Health Canada Approved, Pulsed Electro-Magnetic FieldTherapy.

Second 30 minutes: RIFE frequencies are combined with full body vibrations to detox the body of harmful toxins. The session concludes withthe U.S Military-inspired Bio-Photon Analyzer designed to tune up your biofieldthrough a resonant effect that harmonizes your cells.

Stress Relief: With this session, you will enjoy a sense of calm and relaxation as if you spent a day at the beach! This program combines sound, light and PEMF to balance the nervous and boost the immune system for optimal Stress Relief. First 30-minutes: Combines state-of-the-art, PEMF, and Physio-Acoustic Vibration. This dynamic Frequency duo begins the process of rewiring your brains response to stress by decluttering your mind and crystallizing your thought process. Second 30-minutes: Releases tension,tightness, and blockages that are preventing you from full body stress relief.It uses a Syogra warming jade massage technology to emulate the benefits oftraditional shiatsu style therapy along with audio-visual frequencies tooptimize stress relief.

Energy & Immunity Boost: Cellular energy comes from the mitochondria, which are the powerhouse cells within the body. Work and lifestyle factors can drain these cells leaving you feeling depleted and drained. This program combines PEMF, MWO (Multi-Wave Oscillator better known as Tesla coils), sound and light to boost and recharge your cells. First30-minutes: Combines state-of-the-art PEMF technology and multi-wave oscillation frequencies to prime the cells while simultaneously recharging them. Second 30-minutes: Recharges the brain uses a cutting-edge electrostimulation technology designed to rewire your brainwave state.

Sleep Well: Sleep is vital for physical and mental health. You need a good night’s sleep to repair, recharge, and renew. This program uses evidence-based frequency to regulate your circadian rhythm for optimized quality of sleep. First 30 minutes: Uses PEMF technology to stimulate the body into a relaxed, restful state so you can prepare for a perfect night’s rest.Second 30 minutes: Experience the future of meditation in a state-of-the-artNeuropod. This specially designed pod uses a unique combination of vibrant-acoustic stimulation with Soul 7 curated guided meditations specially designed to calm the body and mind.

Focus & Productivity: Through close collaboration with a select group of world-renowned scientists and performance experts, Soul 7 uses evidence the ideal combination of Brain Optimization Technologies. First30-minutes: Combines PEMF technology and applies focused protocols optimized quality right and left hemisphere of the brain. results in a harmonious state of consciousness commonly associated with extreme mental clarity. Second30-minutes: Uniquely combines Mind Alive Technology and NeuromuscularVibration. This allows the mind and body to enter a state of relaxed clarity to ensure the results of the session stick with you for the rest of the day.

For more information about these, and other services visit Soul