Stressed Out Pets


Modern lifestyles can stress out your pet and lead to weight gain and agitation. Here’s how to get help.

By Pascal Frochisse

Our pets’ ancestors were predators who hunted, roamed free and lived in highly structured groups. Today, our pets share our, often compact, living spaces and most have little contact with other animals of their own species. As a result, increasing numbers of dogs – and to a lesser extent cats – are affected by stress and nervousness. If your pet is becoming stressed out here’s how to get help, and why homeopathic medicine may be an option.

Not a Solitary Animal

Pets have a profound fear of solitude. In fact, a dog that spends 10 hours a day alone waiting for its owner to return can suffer such severe boredom that it can lead to neurosis. Some dogs might start to gnaw at table legs or run in circles for hours, while others may scratch or lick their paws incessantly, causing serious skin lesions. Try to avoid leaving your pet without human or animal contact for long periods of time.

Hypersensitive Animals

A quick five-minute walk is not enough to satisfy the exercise needs of an active dog. The animal may start to compensate by barking, showing agitation, loss of appetite or bulimia.

While lifestyle changes are key, homeopathic remedies can also help to soothe your pet – especially while lifestyle changes are being put into place. Homeopathic medicines do not sedate the animal or cause side effects.

To support and balance the nervous system, try following homeopathic remedies:

Nux vomica: Great for a surly, impatient and irritable animal that has a tendency to pounce the minute someone tries to touch him or approach his territory.

Rhus toxicodendron: Ideal for animals with an agitated psyche who always wants to stroll. Also helpful if your pet has trouble sleeping, and gets up often during the night.

Sumbul moschatus: Try if you have an excessively emotional and anxious animal with an unstable mood that tends to get excited at night.

Kali bromatum: For animals with physical and cerebral agitation, including those who get aggravated at night and may have night terrors.

Weighty Issues

Inactivity can lead to an overweight pet. In addition to eating a healthy diet and being more physically active, certain homeopathic remedies can help your pet attain a healthy weight. These include:

Thuya: Helpful for plump, stout and fat animals who are prone to water retention.

Calcarea carbonica: Can boost metabolism and help prevent overeating.

Graphites: Enhances excretion of metabolic wastes, improves vital functions and improves the thyroid.

Seeking Help

If you’re not sure where to start, ask a homeopathic practitioner about specialty veterinary formulations. These formulas are easy to use, address particular symptoms and generally come in alcohol-free liquid form so they are easy to administer to your pet.