The super highway from Point A to Point “be”

Lactobacillus reuteri

Avoid poor health results and frustration when you start from inside your gut.


It seems as though every week, we hear about a new diet trend making its way through social media. One of the most talked about in recent years is the Ketogenic diet, also called the “keto” diet. We won’t go into detail about it as we have had many previous articles already explore the pros and the cons, but essentially, the ketogenic diet is a weight loss diet that involves extremely high fat, moderate protein, and very low carbohydrates (sometimes as low as 20 grams of carbs per day).  However, our recommendation is that before considering any new diet plan, you must look at the basics, even if you are simply looking at a simple body detox. What this means is that we need to first consider how the human body works before deciding how to best accomplish your health goals.

You have heard it before, but it bears repeating- optimal health begins with optimal digestion. Some important facts outside of what the yogurt TV commercials tell you is that everything from your skin to your energy level to your mood can be affected by poor gut health. The fact is that if we’re not digesting properly, we’re not absorbing nutrients efficiently, while simultaneously boosting levels of inflammation throughout the body and stressing out our immune system.


Did you know that many of your health problems, such as skin clarity, are directly related to your gut health?


A Little Review of Some Common Probiotics…

There are many types of bacteria that are classified as probiotics. While they all have different benefits, most of them come from one of two main types. Listed below are some of the known bacteria types that are beneficial for the treatment of digestive and other health problems:

1)Lactobacillus: This may be the most common probiotic and the family call type of Lp229v. These are the type of bacteria you’ll find in yogurt and other fermented foods. Different strains of this type can help with diarrhea and may help people who can’t digest lactose, the sugar in milk.

2)Bifidobacterium: This is a probiotic strain commonly found in some dairy products, and which may help ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and some other conditions.

3)Saccharomyces boulardii: While not a type of bacteria, this is a yeast found in many probiotic formulas. It appears to help fight diarrhea and other digestive problems.

We’ve all heard about Lactobacillus, but what about Super Lactobacillus?

Lactobacillus bacteria, which are naturally occurring in our bodies, have been looked at as potential agents for helping to reduce metal toxicity in humans. According to one study, “This is because they have resistance mechanisms which are effective in preventing damage to their cells and they can bind and sequester heavy metals to their cell surfaces, thus removing them through subsequent defecation”. This further illustrates that supporting healthy digestion can positively impact whole body health.

Lactobacillus Plantarum 299v®: Super-bacteria

Lactobacillus Plantarum 299v® (LP299v®) is a probiotic that has been clinically shown to restore gut health. First, unlike many other probiotic supplements that are effectively destroyed by the acidic pH of the stomach, LP299v® has been shown to survive this acidity to reach the intestines intact. There, it has displayed a number of unique properties, including:


As discussed, the vital role of probiotics is not limited to digestive wellness alone. Our digestive system is merely the first contact point with many important aspects of health, from the skin to joint pain to memory and immunity. Healthy gut flora is well-equipped to properly break down food and absorb nutrients while keeping inflammation in check, and recruiting the immune system as needed to get rid of any pathogens that it may encounter. Decades of clinical research only reinforce this conclusion, as probiotic strains like LP299v® have repeatedly demonstrated the ability to promote and maintain comfortable digestion. This, in turn, can help to achieve optimal overall health, allowing those whose lives are defined by digestive complaints like IBS, or other inflammatory conditions to enjoy a fresh start, and just “be”.