Top Tips For Winter Health and Wellness


—by Toni-Marie Ippolito

Immunity is the key word when it comes to winter health and wellness.

When temperatures drop and you’re locked indoors with the dry heat or exposed to germs on your daily commute, your immune system can be compromised.

With shorter days and colder weather, finding the motivation to stay healthy and fit can be difficult. That can lay the foundation for a weakened immune system, posing a greater risk of developing the cold or flu.

This means less energy, and just feeling awful. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to what you’re taking and to be aware of your lifestyle during this season. While there are many tips to ward off the real threat of colds, flu, and other scary winter germs lurking on every doorknob, in every public bathroom, and on every rail of your morning transit ride, there are things you can do and take to help keep your immune system fight these pesky viruses.

Here are some health and wellness tips for optimal winter health:

Go for Garlic
The sulfur-containing compounds in garlic, especially from aged-garlic supplements, helps to increase cell production that boosts the immune system, especially T-lymphocytes and macrophages, help battle colds. Eat garlic raw or cooked for an immune-system boost.

winter-health-tips get sleepGet sleep
Getting your zzz’s is always an important factor for maintaining optimal health. But when the colder season hits it’s one of the most effective ways to refuel after a stressful day. Experts say to make sure your room is dark with no lights from electronics glaring as it ensures your body properly releases the hormone melatonin, which helps repair the immune system

While this supplement won’t eliminate a cold, it has proven to help shorten the duration of it. Taking Zinc lozenges, in particular, when you feel a cold coming on or if you’re in the midst of one, helps bind the zinc in the back of the throat, helping inhibit the virus from spreading. Some food options with zinc include oysters, beef, pork, turkey, lentils, pumpkin and sesame seeds, beans and yogurt.

Schedule workouts
When it’s cold, a lot of people succumb to inactivity. It’s important not to fall into this trap. Plan indoor workouts, brisk outdoor walks or yoga. This will help you keep your energy levels up keeping you in tip-top fighting form against illness and fatigue.


Oil of Oregano
Based on research studies, the volatile oils in oregano (thymol and carvacrol) have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, Oregano oil is also one of the best home remedies for flu because it promotes sweating, which makes it useful to bring down a fever.

winter-health-tipsDrink Herbal Tea
When the cold weather sets in, there’s nothing better than warming up with a hot cup of herbal tea. Using the healing power of herbal teas, you can drink your way to good health all season long. Some teas can help prevent head-colds (ex. echinacea, ginger), fevers, sinus congestion, and coughs through the winter months.

Wash & Sanitize Hands
This rule always applies. But one of the fastest ways you can get a virus is by coming into contact from viral germs on common elements like door knobs, transit rails, washrooms or by shaking someone’s hand. Physicians always recommend washing your hands as much as possible after coming into contact with items other’s may have touched. Also, use hand sanitizer if you’re on the go.