An effective ingredient to help achieve your weight loss goals
It’s apparent that we’re living in an overweight society. In addition, it is well-known that body weight is a good indicator of health, or lack thereof: diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and numerous other illnesses—not to mention hip and knee replacements—are all associated with being overweight and obese. As such, it is critical for anyone who is overweight to shed those pounds and fat and to achieve fitness to improve quality of life.
The obvious fixes involve behavior modifications such as fairly intense exercise regimens and smarter eating/smaller portions. Unfortunately, eating behaviour modifications aren’t always easy to achieve, and are even near impossible for many consumers. However, paying attention to carbohydrates is imperative.
Two studies confirm that a low-carbohydrate approach to weight loss is the superior option when choosing a diet. On average, those following a low-carb diet can lose eight to 16 pounds and sustain that loss for at least a year. Yet, people who choose a low-carb diet often miss out on important nutrients including fiber, potassium, vitamin C and other phytochemicals that are significant to maintaining good health. However, simply incorporating Phase 2—an all-natural, non-stimulant proprietary ingredient found in many carbohydrate blocking nutritional supplements—into the weight loss program may reduce the absorption of starch and aid in weight control.
One compelling study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, concluded that a low-carb diet was superior to a low-fat diet for the 148 people of diverse ethnicities who participated in the study. The participants on the low-carb diet not only had a more significant decrease in weight (eight pounds, on average), but also reduced their cardiovascular risk factors compared to those on the low-fat diet.
Another strong study, published by the Journal of American Medical Association, compared 48 previous studies including a total of 7,286 overweight and obese adults that confirmed the largest weight loss was with low-carbohydrate diets. Weight loss differences between individual diets were minimal and on average, participants sustained a 16-pound reduction after a year.
There are many natural products you can purchase that dramatically assist in controlling your carbohydrate absorption as you journey toward a healthy diet. One of these products is Phase 2 Carb Controller, shown in over a dozen published studies to reduce the way our bodies digest and absorb the starchy, fattening foods we love to eat.
Phase 2 Carb Controller is the most researched ingredient available that helps support healthy weight loss. This proprietary extract of white kidney bean is a suitable option and effective for anyone seeking to control carbohydrate absorption while trying to lose weight.
Studies of Phase 2 on human subjects have demonstrated that 66 per cent of dietary starches aren’t digested and pass through the body as fiber. No side effects have ever been reported. Phase 2 is grown and manufactured in the United States, and is generally recognized as safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Phase 2 works by reducing the activity of the body’s natural carbohydrate-digesting enzyme, alpha amylase. This means that Phase 2 allows for more starches to pass through the body, rather than be assimilated.
Not only has Phase 2 been shown to reduce body weight as well as hip, waist and thigh circumferences, it has also been shown to reduce the glucose spike one experiences after eating starchy foods such as spaghetti, rice, potatoes and bread. VM