Vicki Lundy


Health issue: Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Depression
Age: 50
Location: Mississauga, Ontario
Occupation: Transportation planning and development supervisor
Symptoms: My fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome flared out of control after being under an intense amount of stress for a prolonged period. Working two jobs and being a caregiver for my husband during his terminal illness and his subsequent death had taken its toll on my health. Widespread pain took over my body. The fatigue became so severe it was difficult to put one foot in front of the other. Understandably depression set in.
Natural Health Recommendations: A naturopathic doctor recommended a number of therapies. I was tested for food and environmental sensitivities and put on a detox diet that eliminated dairy products, wheat and many other foods that I craved. He also prescribed some homeopathic remedies, supplements, and vitamins to support my immune system. I received acupuncture treatments that eased my neck and shoulder pain.
Results: I now have my symptoms under control. My energy is returning and the depression has lifted. In short, I am getting my life back on track.