Watermelon & Spicy Mayan Chocolate Fondue


Along with the polyphenols in cocoa powder, dark chocolate also is a good source of iron and magnesium. Watermelon is an excellent hydrator and good source of vitamins A and C, fiber, and potassium. The added spice satisfies the taste buds and compliments the sweetness of the watermelon.

4 cups (1 L) watermelon cut into 1″ cubes
½ cup (125 mL) fat-free half & half + extra reserve
¾ tsp (3 mL) cinnamon
½ tsp (2.5 mL) chili powder
Dash of cayenne
½ tsp (2.5 mL) coriander
8 oz (225 grams) dark chocolate (at least 60% cocoa powder)

1. Wrap watermelon cubes in paper towels to soak up excess fluid. Set aside.
2. In a medium saucepan, bring half & half and spices to almost a simmer. Remove from heat and stir in chocolate. Let chocolate melt, then continue to stir until thoroughly blended and creamy. Adjust flavours.
3. Transfer the fondue to a fondue pot and heat according to directions. (If fondue becomes too thick, stir in extra reserve half & half, 1 tbsp (15 mL) at a time, to desired consistency.)
4. Place watermelon cubes on a platter with fondue forks or skewers.

Makes 4 servings

Per Serving: 341 Calories, 25.5 g Total Fat, 13.9 g Saturated Fat, 41.3 g Carbohydrate, 7.5 g Protein, 2.4 grams fibre

Source: watermelon.org