Wes Side Story


Hip-hop artist, author, actor, husband and father — how Wes Williams keeps his life under control while wearing many hats.

There’s no doubt that Wes Williams has learned a thing or two about keeping his schedule on track. “It’s something I’ve just learned to deal with. As you mature, you see the importance of balance. You’ve got to have a sense of humour. [If] you get so engulfed in your projects, you [can] start hating them.”

Most definitely Wes’ projects could take over his life. Since entering the hip-hop scene in the late ’80s , Canadians not only recognize Mr. Williams as a recording artist, but also as an actor. From roles in Metropia and Instant Star to his current gig on HBO Canada’s The Line, Wes strives to live by a ‘work hard, play hard’ attitude. “It’s like studying for exams — there’s a time for jokes and a time for parties,” explains the multi-talented Canadian, who’s releasing his motivational book Stick To Your Vision next year.

Rest assured Wes knows how to have fun with a good cause. He recently celebrated his 41st birthday with a bash and a worthy goal: to donate proceeds to the non-profit Pathfinders Youth Centre Society. “I’ve been raising money [during my birthday parties] for the last four years,” he discloses. Additionally, Wes has supported other organizations including the Special Olympics, the Battered Women’s Support Services and the African AIDS Society.

It’s a priority for Wes to wind down with his friends and family, in particular with his wife Tamara and their five-month-old son Chancellor. “I’m putting together a crib for my son right now,” proudly declares the new dad, explaining that getting rest “is like therapy. For the last three months, I haven’t slept because of [Chancellor].”

Clearly, Wes needs energy in his balanced life, but he gets it through a healthy diet. “I eat four or five small meals a day. I eat a lot of chicken breasts and I like to have my carbs in the morning to keep me energized.” Other foods he leans towards are hemp granola cereal, soymilk, spinach, broccoli, egg whites and mushrooms. Along with a good diet, Wes’ four-day-a-week workout keeps his body in shape, which consists of strength training and 30-minute cardio on a treadmill.
With so much happening at the same time, the Juno Award-winning artist has a simple secret to staying cool: communication. “You have to let your team know you’re organized,” says Wes, who understands that he’s only one person and it’s okay to ask for help, such as getting pros to organize his agenda.

In Wes’ words, living a balanced life means that you’re, “not being consumed by one particular thing. Celebrate your small victories because we tend to overlook small accomplishments.” Looking outside the box is definitely a principle Wes lives by as a performer. “We get inspirations from different ways. A lot of times, it’s good to leave things for a hot minute and come back to it later. Sometimes when you’re too focused, you can lose the impact.”