Kim D’Eon


I eat really healthy most of the time so if I want a greasy poutine every so often I’ll devour one and claim bragging rights.
What is your number one comfort food?
Just one? Impossible! Cheese and dill pickle sandwiches. Boiled potatoes with sauerkraut, and turkey sausages.
What is your biggest food challenge?
Trying to avoid dairy products. Cheese is one of my absolute favourite foods but I’ve been essentially dairy-free for a few years now. I’ve found lots of great substitutes. It’s been an adventure.
What keeps you eating a balanced diet?
I feel better and look better when I eat well. I believe very strongly in the power of food to make or break us. We really are what we eat and I want to be as healthy, whole and free of chemicals as possible.
Any allergies or dislikes?
I can’t eat pineapple, which sucks, because I love it. As a rule, I don’t eat beef, pork or dairy. I dislike raw onions and I won’t go near anything with artificial sweeteners.
What must you always have in your fridge?
Perrier, hummus, salad greens or kale, lemons, almond milk, almond butter, frozen berries and dark chocolate.
What are some of your go-to meals?
I eat a lot of salads with legumes, nuts and homemade vinaigrettes and I make a lot of soups. Soup is great because I can jam so many nutrients in one pot. Plus, it’s so hearty and satisfying and great for freezing individual portion sizes for when I don’t have time to cook. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I LOVE to cook!
Strangest food you’re tried?
Cod cheeks.
What’s your favourite meal to make for guests in your home?
I love to make lots of small plates to nibble on throughout the night when I have people over. I make a killer red pepper hummus.
What’s your most used or favourite ingredient to cook with and why?
Coconut oil. It’s so easy and flavourful and can withstand high heat. Plus, it’s a super food. I try to put it in or on as many dishes as possible.
What have you been busy with over the last year?
I’ve been taking some time to travel. I went on an amazing trip to Zambia with the charitable organization I support: CARE Canada. It was life-changing. I spent a good chunk of time in L.A. and took a trip to Cuba.
What’s next for you?
Taking over the world. Wait for it.

Kim D’Eon is an award-winning reporter and TV host, best known for her work on Entertainment Tonight Canada, the Food Network and CBC. She’s also an Ambassador of Change at CARE Canada.