Adrienne Kress: What’s in your Fridge?


Occupation: Children’s and young adult author and an actor.What’s your secret food vice? Cheese. All the cheese.

What is your number one comfort food? Did I mention I like cheese?

What is your biggest food challenge? I have had digestive issues since I was a teenager. The issues come in cycles, so sometimes I can be completely healthy and can eat everything I want, and sometimes I have to go on a rigorous diet.

What keeps you eating a balanced diet? Necessity. Eating well means I’m not in pain.

Any food dislikes? I like almost all food. But I have discovered I really cannot handle anything bitter. This means I also can’t really eat anything spicy as it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

Any foods you’ve omitted from your diet? When I’m dealing with a digestive flare up I have a very restricted diet. Many grains are not allowed, ditto corn. Refined sugar is a no go, and certain fruit as well. Milk is out too – but certain cheeses and yogurt are in. I basically end up eating plenty of different meants as well as eggs, veggies and rice.

What must you always have in your fridge? Cheese. And eggs.

What are some of your go-to meals? When the tummy is in a happy place, I make a mean grilled cheese. When it’s not, I like to make egg fried rice and a side of veggies.

Strangest food you’ve ever tried? Crocodile.

What’s your favourite dish or food to eat in the summer? I’m not really a seasonal eater. All the food all the seasons, I say. That being said, when certain fruit and veggies are actually in season, the flavours are out of this world.

What is your favourite meal to make for guests in your home? It’s a classic dish I call ‘delivery’.

What is your favourite ingredient to cook with? I like dill. I put dill in a lot of things.

What have you been busy with over the last year? I’m in the middle of writing a children’s novel series (for ages 8 to 12) called The Explorers (Random House). The first one, The Door in the Alley, is in stores right now, and I just launched the sequel, The Reckless Rescue. Also a web series I was in, Fare Trade was selected for the Hollyweb Festival, so I have to go to Los Angeles and celebrate!

What’s next for you? More writing! All the writing! So many books! I need to write and edit the third book in The Explorers series. I have plans to travel to Florida to do some research for a completely new story idea. And, I hope for some rest and relaxation at a cottage this summer.