Annie Wersching on Drive, Ambition and Success

Annie Wersching

—By Bonnie Siegler

Whether you were a “Charmed” devotee, a daytime fan of “General Hospital,” binged on “24,” or caught episodes of “Blue Bloods,” “CSI,” “NCIS” and many other television series, you are familiar with actress Annie Wersching and her acting credentials.    

Born in St. Louis, Missouri, the mom of three, (youngest just born during this interview!), Annie Wersching competed in Irish dance as a child and boasts of her ability to play the tin whistle….with her nose.  She acknowledges her musical childhood added to the creative talent she exhibits today, but gives most credit to her tomboy upbringing and a competitive nature, which has served her well in Hollywood. “I was a tree climbing, softball-playing little girl,” says Wersching, who played catcher for the National Taco Bell All-Star Legends Celeb Softball league in 2009. “I never thought too much about my interests being boy things or girl things and I’m glad! I had quite a nice mix growing up.”

Saying she didn’t give any gender bias to her activities, Wersching has always been very determined and driven to reach her goals and didn’t let anything stop her on this personal quest. “I have a competitive nature….verrry much so. I definitely want to be the girl in the bar that can hold her own at the pool table or dartboard. And, for sure, don’t tell me I’m going to lose because I’m a girl. That’s just adding fuel to my Aries fire.” 

Not shy about admitting her spirited nature, Wersching says her athletic and competitive nature has been and continues to be, a motivating factor to get to where she is in her professional life today. “When you’re up for a part as an actress, so much is out of your control,” she explains. “The look they want, the way you match up or pair up with other actors.  All you can really do is bring your absolute best to the role and let the chips fall.  As I’ve matured, I’ve gotten really good at letting things go as far as the acting world.” That said, Wersching adds, “I’m probably more competitive athletically than I am, artistically. I feel sports and dance growing up have made things such as stunts and fight scenes come pretty naturally to me on set.  Stunt days are always the BEST days at work.” 

In realizing her personal growth and reflecting on her upbringing, Wersching’s happy, grounded and balanced lifestyle is owed to her philosophy of keeping physically active even if it’s a leisurely walk in her neighbourhood. “It’s so important to stay active,” says the 5’7” busy working mother and wife. “It’s not only helpful physically, but it also makes such a difference emotionally. Even if it’s just a walk outside in the fresh air, it’s amazing how good I feel afterwards.” Knowing the endorphins will be flowing after a workout doesn’t make it any easier to commit, though.

“Yes, it can still be such a pain to make myself do it. I find I do best in situations and workouts that are not self-led. A lot of people prefer that, but I’d much rather play tennis or take a class where someone is leading me through, rather than being in charge of my own self-motivation.” Not a yoga or Pilates gal, Wersching prefers a more high-paced atmosphere to break a sweat. “Punching and kicking…not sure what that says about me,” she laughs. “Also, I played tennis in school so I started playing again 18 months ago and that’s not only been fun for me but also serves as a great workout. Before this pregnancy, I was playing on two different USTA teams and can’t wait to get back to that.” 

While concerns with meeting deadlines and fitting last minute tasks into her hectic schedule invite stressful situations, Wersching tries to find coping mechanisms in media comforts. “I’m a big music lover and love discovering new music and artists.”  Whether the category is folk, Americana, indie or jazz, Annie’s playlist is a revolving door of talents. “I also absolutely love to read, but time for that seems harder and harder to find.  I’m pretty sure I’ve been trying to finish the same book for the last six months. It seems the easiest chill time for me lately is binge-worthy TV.  I love all the medical shows. I’m pretty sure I was a nurse or doctor in a previous life.”     

For daily fuel, Wersching makes sure to have fresh ingredients on hand, forcing herself to avoid a 12-year-old’s diet of fast foods and sweets. “I always have fresh fruit on hand. So that’s good. I like having string cheese, pasta, olives, chips, and cookies around in the kitchen. Remember that tomboy we discussed earlier?  She’s still lurking in my kitchen.”  Wersching admits she’s not a big red meat eater anymore, opting for chicken and turkey here and there. It wasn’t a huge moral or dietary decision, it just happened naturally.”

Pulling it all together at nighttime, the self-confessed sunset lover says there is no bedtime schedules in her home. “It depends upon the day. If I’m working or at home being a busy mom, I love a beautiful sunset.” She pauses. “But there’s something so magical about a beautiful sunrise and all the possibilities of the new day in front of me.” 

With a degree in musical theatre, one question remains: Would she ever turn to write music and lyrics? “Possibly,” Wersching admits. I asked if she could sing a song that best reflects her as a mother, wife, actress and without hesitation, she says, “‘You Are My Sunshine.’ I feel like it’s a good outlook and philosophy for so many aspects of life. Throughout the day, try to be a ray of sunshine for someone, try to brighten someone’s day in even the smallest way. It’s something my mom was really good at…even during her toughest times, she was always able to exude such joy and sunshine.  And I hope to do the same.” VM