Blake Guss


Blake is the Director at and President at Teaneck Meditation.

Where are you located? Do you accept insurance? What are your credentials? What population do you work with, and which disorders do you primarily focus on?

I am physically located in Teaneck at Teaneck Meditation, as well as anywhere on the world via I do not directly accept insurance. We work with anyone and everyone. My background includes 11 years of intensive meditation practice primarily with the “Method to Find Your True Self”, along with meditation and guide training/certification in South Korea for 8 months and Argentina for 2 months.

What is your theoretical orientation? Why did you choose that orientation?

I don’t have a particular theoretical orientation besides believing that we are all one and we all have Truth(God/Buddha/Allah) within us. Through open-mindedness and meditation.

What is a mental health “golden nugget” you can give over?

When your phone rings and the caller id says “scam calling”. Do you pick it up? You hit decline instantly. Do the same with the illusory negative thoughts that pop up.

What type of coffee do you enjoy best and how do you like your coffee?

Black Iced Coffee 🙂

Tell us about your practice/work! Do you work alone or are you a part of a group practice?

At we have a wonderful team of professional and sincere meditation guides.

When/How did you first become interested in a career in Therapy?

I struggled with anxiety and depression from childhood until my 20s. After feeling free from it I really wanted to help others do the same.

What aspects of your work do you enjoy most and why?

I love to see the changes in others. It is so joyful to see others change for the better and become happier and healthier.

What aspects of work do you least enjoy and why?

It can be challenging to see when meditators become inconsistent in taking care of themselves. With that being said I always do my best to have no judgment and to be patient and understanding.

What areas of research are you most interested in and why?

These days I am very interested in the research regarding how mental illness and personality traits can be inherited.

What are your hobbies?

I love to exercise outdoors and at the gym.

What do you do for self-care?

Meditate and Exercise

Do you have any blog/podcast/other media people can follow?

I am active on Instagram/Tiktok and YouTube. You can follow me here:

Do you have any book recommendations?

  • “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz
  • How To Have A Meeting With God, Buddha, Allah” by Woo Myung]
  • The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho

If you were to write a book about your life, what would it be called? Where would you begin your first chapter?

“The Answer is Within”. I would probably begin by telling the story of my childhood in which I often lived with fear.

What is your favorite quote?

So many! Let’s go with, “Happiness means to have no worries.” -Woo Myung

Meditation Guide

Check out Blakes valuable Live Guided Classes on Zoom which you can access via:

The best way to contact Blake is by direct message on Instagram:

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