Cornwall Has Lower Electricity Bills, Why Don’t You?

Cornwall Ontario is the only city that has long-term electricity supply contract with hydro Quebec, and because of this their residents have the lowest...

Foods That Help You Get Better Sleep

Cherries: Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and University of Rochester have figured out how cherry juice can be a powerful way to help you...

The Mystical Dragon Fruit

It’s not a fairytale The dragon fruit gets its name from its spikey cactus-like outer layer, but unlike your typical medieval dragon, it has beautiful...

Upcoming Ingredients: Cannabis (Hemp) Oil

“There’s a reason CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta stated: “It’s time for a marijuana revolution.” People’s attitudes are changing when it comes...

The Lasting Value of Good-Quality Sleep

By Sarah Cummings We all know that sensation of waking up after a truly good night’s sleep and feeling like we can take on the entire...


WHY PROBIOTICS ARE ESSENTIAL TO GLOBE TROTTERS BY CAYLA RAMEY We have all been warned about how easy it can be to contract various diseases when...

Top Tips For Winter Health and Wellness

—by Toni-Marie Ippolito Immunity is the key word when it comes to winter health and wellness. When temperatures drop and you’re locked indoors with the dry...

Go Nuts For Heart Health

Do something great for your heart and start getting your hands on more nuts throughout your day. This easy to travel with snack can...

PURICA Magnesium Effervescent Lemon Lime

  Muscle Relief Single, Box, 150g or 350g Powder Great tasting magnesium supplement that benefits all active living people, including over 40% of Canadians who are...

Sugar kills

A recent study has found that fructose changes genes in the brain. These changes are linked to a range of diseases, including cardiovascular disease...