Save your vision, spend more time outdoors.

Half the world’s population (nearly five billion) will be short-sighted by 2050, so says a recent study from Brien Holden Vision Institute, University of...

Home Decor Trends

What to look for in 2016 BY MELISSA DAVIS As another year begins, we look forward to reinventing and improving the last year’s version of ourselves....

Upcoming Ingredients: Phase 2

An effective ingredient to help achieve your weight loss goals BY MITCH SKOP It's apparent that we're living in an overweight society. In addition, it is well-known that...

Unlock the Secret to a Healthy Relationship

How to get closer with your partner BY AVIVA REIMER Well, here we are in a whole new dimension of relationships and dating. There is a...

Deep Sleep

One in four Canadians aren’t getting the sleep they need to thrive. Here’s how to reduce your stress levels so you can wake up...


Yo-yo and extreme diets can actually cause weight gain over time by impairing your thyroid function. If you’ve been caught in a cycle of...

Stress in Elderly People Increases Risk for Pre-Alzheimer’s Condition

According to a study “Influence of perceived stress on incident amnestic mild cognitive impairment: Results from the Einstein Aging Study” from Albert Einstein College...

Quit Smoking and Add Years to your Life

Smoking is responsible for 25 per cent of deaths between age 35 and 69 and smokers die, on average, a decade earlier than their...

Maintain a solid health routine this winter – no holiday miracle required!

With the vast array of sweet treats, alcoholic drinks and high-fat foods that the holiday season brings, it’s easy to fall behind on your...

Upcoming Ingredients: Cannabis (Hemp) Oil

“There’s a reason CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta stated: “It’s time for a marijuana revolution.” People’s attitudes are changing when it comes...