Is it possible to improve your memory with food?

Impromproving your memory and overall brain health can be supported by including certain nutrients in your diet. A meal rich in omega-3 fatty acids,...

Grilled Salmon with a Side of Kale and Beet Salad

At Viva Magonline we advocate that you can change your health through food. If you're looking for an endometriosis-friendly recipe that is easy to make, let's focus...

Spring’s Serenade: Chilled Avocado and Cucumber Soup with a Coconut Twist

As the final frost retreats and the first buds of spring dare to bloom, it's time to shed the heavy cloaks of winter fare...

Seaweed Quinoa Bowl

Try something outside the conventional detox norms with this advanced-grade meal that combines the power of seaweed, the protein-rich goodness of quinoa, the gut-health...

Zesty Lime and Ginger Sorbet with a Twist of Sea Salt: A Symphony of...

As the frosty tendrils of winter finally retreat and the first tender shoots of spring push through the thawing earth, it's time to rejuvenate...