Fitness at home: Why you should ditch the gym

Trudie German fitness tips

by Trudie German, owner and creative force of Body Envy

I remember the days when I thought a gym membership was mandatory for me to get the body I desired. I’m sure you feel the same way.

I mean, who can blame us? With infomercials and, of course, the physiques of our favourite celebrities — who tout the fact that they “go to” the gym – it all plays a part in believing the gym is the way to go, right?

Even the gyms themselves make it very tempting. At the beginning of the year, they offer an irresistible deal, knowing that we’ll take full advantage (of the deal) but only end up using our gym membership, one, maybe two months of the year — certainly not all twelve months.

Yes, we are conditioned to think we NEED a gym membership.

Well, what if I told you, you don’t need one to gain that flatter tummy, tighter booty and of course killer legs.  I’m telling you just that. I’m telling you to ditch the gym membership and to work out at home instead for that drop, dead physique. Here’s why and how you should do it:

  1. Cheaper: Some people say they obtain a gym membership because if they are paying then they’ll be more inclined to go. However, you and I both know that you’ve done this in the past, and you simply wasted your money. You’re better off using these funds to invest in some gym equipment and working out at home, I mean you’re already paying for home, so you might as well work out there.
  • Distracting: You really do want to work out at the gym, however, you’re nervous and anxious as you think everyone is looking at you. You perform a few moves and stop, because you’ve convinced yourself that you’re the center of attention — and not in a good way. You feel as if you’re being judged because you’re not dressed in the latest athletic fashion like the rest of the stylish gym gurus. At home, you could workout in your pajamas or underwear and no one would care.
  • Awkward: Those obscene noises coming from John as he bench presses 300 pounds is making you feel very awkward. You’re wondering, “Why is he making those noises?” “Should I be making those noises too?”. This of course can be awkward and have you wanting to run the heck out of the gym immediately and never return. The only obscene noise you’ll be subjected to at home is your own heavy breathing (and maybe cursing).
  • Convenience: No need to pack a gym bag, sit in traffic, fight for a parking spot or worry   about finding child care. In fact, you can have your child complete their homework or watch their favourite show while you work out at home.
  • Socializing: Sometimes it’s as if the gym is “Happy Hour.”  The regular gym rats congregate while drinking their favourite smoothie and having their pre-workout discussion about how sore they were after their last workout. Meanwhile, all you simply want is to get in, complete your workout and go on about your merry way. Socializing at home isn’t an issue because you’re a on a mission to complete your workout and move on to the next item on your “to do” list.
  • Busy: If you’ve ever been in a gym during rush hour (5pm-7pm) you know just how crazy and busy it gets. There’s a line up for the leg extension machine, the yoga or exercise room has a class going on and you’re standing around waiting for the hamstring curl machine to become available.  Line up at home? Never!  You have the space all to yourself to accomplish your workout mission.

Fitness at home: Now that you’ve decided to ditch the gym, here’s how to transition to training at home gym:

  1. Space– You will need a designated area to complete your workouts. You can choose a room like your basement or create a space, like an area in your living room (I also suggest you have a secondary area).
  2. Schedule– Each week, create specifics days and times to complete your workout. If they’re not scheduled, the possibility of you completing your workout diminishes.
  3. Equipment– Heavy equipment like treadmill or an elliptical machine are not mandatory for your at-home gym and neither are they needed for you to gain a hot, sexy, body. To create your own home gym items like dumbbells, kettlebells, bands, mats and stability balls will suffice.
  4. Routine-Another item that’s needed for your hot body success is a routine. You didn’t think you would bypass this, did you? Since you’ll be working out at home, something quick and effective is ideal. You want to ensure you’re hitting the major muscle groups that store fat (the larger the muscles, the more fat being stored).

Here’s a fitness at home routine you can perform at home 3 times per week.

Perform each move 30 seconds, 3 sets

Goblet Squats  (Target your legs and booty)

How To:   Grab a dumbbell and hold it vertically (think a goblet cup in Medieval times). Stand with your feet slightly wider than hips-width apart, and toes pointed slightly out.

Keeping your arms close to your chest and elbows pointing down, bend your hips and knees to lower your body as far as you can (think, sitting in a chair), pause for a second then push yourself back up to the starting position.

Dumbbell Rows (Target your back and biceps)

How To: Hold a set of dumbbells, stand feet shoulder width apart, bend at your hips and knees, and lower your torso until it’s almost parallel to the floor.

Hold the dumbbells at arm’s length, palms facing each other. Keep your elbows next to your sides as you row the weights to your sides. Think of using your elbows to hit the wall behind you.

Pause, then slowly lower back to start.

Chest Press (Target your chest, shoulders and triceps)

How To:  Lie face up with hips and knees bent 90 degrees. Hold a pair of dumbbells above your chest, arms bent straight, palms facing away from you. Push the dumbbells bar away from you until your arms are fully extended, then slowly lower back to the starting position.

Crouching Rock– (Target your abs, lower back and booty)

How To: Get on all fours on the floor. Bring both knees about an inch off the floor.

Rock back and forth for the prescribed time.

Remember you don’t need a gym membership for a hot, sexy, body. What you need instead is yourself, consistency and effective routine and you’re ready to rock and roll.