Does your kid need Probiotics?


Trillions of bacteria live in your child’s gut. Sound like a lot? Research shows it may not be enough; at least not enough of the good bacteria. A less than ideal diet, antibiotics, C-section deliveries and an early diet of formula instead of breast milk can all contribute to a micro flora of bacteria that needs a little health boost.

Progressive’s Perfect Probiotic for Kids is a great choice for kids ages one to 12 years. Each scoop contains 10 kid-friendly probiotic strains that offer 10 billion colony-forming units, supporting intestinal health and immune function as well as the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Taking healthy probiotics can also help with children who suffer from eczema. The Perfect Probiotic for Kids is cyroprotected for extra stability by providing cold temperature to eliminate moisture. Plus, the pleasant taste is perfect for kids.  (120g, $29.99)

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