Enhance Hair and Skin Health During Menopause



Menopause can cause noticeable changes in hair quality and density, including hair loss, thinning, reduced growth, and altered structure. A recent double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study found that oral intake of Pycnogenol® can significantly improve hair density, decrease trans-epidermal water loss in scalp skin, and enhance microcirculation in scalp skin for menopausal women.

Pycnogenol® has been shown to:

• Improve hair quality and density by 30% compared to baseline and 15% compared to placebo after two months.

• Reduce water loss from the skin, leading to a better-regulated scalp skin moisture balance.

• Positively affect microcirculation, ensuring better nutrient and oxygen supply to hair follicles.

Pycnogenol®’s efficacy for hair health and beauty can be attributed to:

• Improved microcirculation in small blood vessels, ensuring a well-functioning nutrient and oxygen supply to the scalp and hair follicles.

• Anti-inflammatory effects, protecting hair follicles from free radicals generated by stress, sun rays, pollution, or inflammation.

• Strong antioxidant activity, increasing plasma antioxidant capacity and decreasing plasma oxidative stress.

• Strengthening the extracellular matrix by protecting and stimulating the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in the skin.

In addition to improving hair quality, Pycnogenol® has proven efficient in alleviating various menopausal symptoms, including somatic and vasomotor problems, depressed mood, memory and concentration issues, anxiety, sexual behavior, sleep, and menstrual problems. Pycnogenol® supplementation also helps normalize high blood pressure and improve lipid profiles, reducing cardiovascular risk factors in menopausal women.