Ginette Couture


Age: 54
Occupation: Sales representative for Lindt & Sprüngli
Health issue: Menopause
Symptoms: When I turned 45, my whole body changed. I gained weight, became anxious and I had problems falling asleep at night. I was totally drained of energy, had memory loss and hot flashes.
Health recommendations: I knew I wasn’t ready to start hormone therapy. I wanted to try a natural remedy first. I went to the local health food store and the salesperson recommended Feminex Pre-Meno from Adrien Gagnon, a product dedicated to premenopausal women. The first year, I took three capsules every day. The next year, I took two capsules every day for the first six months, then one capsule every day for the rest of the year. I also started going to the gym and changed my diet – cut back on coffee, tea, alcohol and sugar.
The results: Natural remedy, good diet and exercise proved to be a winning combination. I feel healthier today than when I was 45. I eat well, sleep well and feel more energetic.