How to get rid of mental pain


—By Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas

When thinking about pain, we usually refer to the physical body. Your mental pain also
needs to be addressed. Our own limiting beliefs can be compared to the chronic pain that
often becomes part of who we are and we think we are stuck with it. Your unconscious
mind is used as a personal assistant. Everything you say and think is written down and
executed like an order. Here is how to change a limiting belief that doesn’t serve you

The first step to change is to linguistically start talking about the pain that you want to
change, in the past tense.
For example, let’s say you think of yourself as being stubborn. The voice inside your
head (your logical mind) says, “I am so stubborn.”
Linguistically, you can start the transformation process by saying, “I used to be so
stubborn.” Unconsciously, as you speak of the character as being in the past, you
will start to believe that it is actually in the past. Which is totally true. You used to be
stubborn. What this implies is that it is now over. That it is behind you. This affirmation
will still feel true. The next step is to follow this affirmation with a progressive statement.

Positive affirmations won’t work if, when you say them out loud, they feel untrue. For
example, when I work with clients going through grief, they work on creating positive
statements that feel true to them. For example, I am working with a couple who have
lost their daughter. This is a terrible situation that no parent should ever have to
experience. There is no way they can truly believe a positive affirmation worded like, “I
am happy and excited about life!” Right now, their reality is very much the opposite. The
same applies to people who are excessively overweight. They will likely have difficulty in
looking at themselves in the mirror and saying: “I am thin, svelte and I love my body.”
Progressive statements are used to replace an old unwanted state, characteristic or

They usually start with “I am in the process…” or “I am willing to learn how it
feels to…,” which would give them permission to be working towards the next level.
For example, the couple would say, “I am in the process of learning how to love life
again and be happy with my spouse and my son.” Yes, they also have another son to
live for. The overweight person would say, “I am willing to learn how it feels to love my
body. I am in the process of becoming thinner.” A progressive statement regarding your
past characteristic stubbornness would look like, “I am willing to learn how it feels to be
open to new ideas,” or “I am in the process of opening myself to new ways or different
things.” Repetition of the progressive statements will allow you to start programming
your personal assistant with different ideas that will soon become your new reality.

After a few months, you will want to create new serving beliefs for yourself and start
acting upon your new identity. You transition from the “I am willing to” or “I am in the
process of” to the “I am” statement. Eventually, you will start repeating to yourself, “I am
open to new things,” “I love my new identity of being flexible and open to different ideas”
and “I am easily adapting to any situation.”

About Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas:

We know exactly what to do, and yet, do the reverse. Nathalie is the Expert with a Proven System to reprogram your brain and get you transformational results.

Founder of the THINK Yourself® ACADEMY, Speaker, Publisher, Master Life Coach and No.1 best-selling author of 10 books on wellness and empowerment, Nathalie combines 10 years of experience in human resources, 25 years in sales and 30 years in the fitness industry. In 2007, she was “Fitness Instructor of the Year” for Canada. She uses neuroscience in her practice as a Master Life Coach, Executive Coach and Transformation Coach to reprogram your brain to end self-sabotage and live your full potential.

”You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink”. Somehow, Nathalie can.

NATHALIE P., Transformation Expert
Speaker – Master Coach – Publisher
No.1 Best Selling Author