

Age: 37
Health issue: Infertility
Symptoms: Soon after getting married, my husband and I were eager to start a family. We tried for a year or so, and it then became apparent that we were going to need some extra help. I dealt with infertility for five years; trying IUI’s, IVF, surgery and acupuncture. We even went through the unsuccessful process of surrogacy with a family member. The odds were stacked against us, given my uterine deformities and family history of fertility issues, yet I wasn’t giving up.
Health recommendations: I went through many treatments, from laser treatments for endometriosis to hormone therapy to help thicken my uterine lining. After five years of trying, I was tired, though still determined. I went to see a naturopathic doctor, and she recommended that I try an anti-inflammatory diet. The diet consisted of going gluten, dairy, red meat, sugar and alcohol-free. It sounded like a lot to eliminate; however, after the long road we had already travelled, it seemed worth it!
The results: With all the different treatments I was on, my uterine lining was being monitored regularly. Shortly after starting the diet, the doctor noticed that the lining was starting to thicken. She said, “Whatever you’re doing, it’s working,” so I continued on the diet and successfully went on to do IVF.