Jordis Brenna


Health issue: eczema, cradle cap
Age: One
Location: Oakville, Ontario
Occupation: Daddy’s girl
Symptoms: Jordis developed eczema on her face and arms at three months old. It started as baby acne, then progressed to an itchy rash that became infected. At this time she also developed cradle cap.
Health Recommendations: As recommended by a naturopathic doctor, Jordis was taken off of formula and introduced to rice, soy and goat milk. Her cereal was replaced with quinoa flakes, rice and occasionally buckwheat. Dairy was limited as much as possible. A multi-vitamin, fish oil and probiotics were added to her diet along with a variety of fruits and vegetables. Homeopathic remedies were also used to help clear up the eczema and cradle cap.
Results: Within a month after changing her diet along with the use of homeopathics, dramatic improvements were seen on her skin and scalp. Her eczema and cradle cap is completely gone now and has never returned. A year later, Jordis continues to reap the benefits of her dietary and homeopathic recommendations. She has quickly grown to be a very active, attentive, smart and beautiful toddler.