Julie Ming


Health issue: Fatigue
Age: 29
Location: Montreal, Quebec
Occupation: Sales representative
Symptoms: I was struck with bouts of fatigue and at times it affected my performance. I felt very weak and suffered from headaches.
Health Recommendations: Whenever I felt tired and couldn’t rest, I would drink a tea made of yerba mate, Siberian ginseng and guarana. Yerba mate contains stimulants originating from South America and it’s filled with vitamins and minerals. Ginseng and guarana enhance my body’s ability to adapt to change and they also improve stamina.
Results: After I started drinking the tea, I felt stronger. My mind is more active, which allows me to be alert and efficient. I have more energy and working long hours is no longer a problem. I drink a total of two teas per day (mid-morning and in the afternoon) when I lack energy — this way,
I can still have a good night’s sleep.