Karen Nicole Smith


Age: 41
Occupation: Teaching Assistant at Queen’s University, Department of Medicine
Health Issue: Kidney failure
Symptoms: I remember being very tired, itchy and having very little appetite. Eventually my doctors started me on dialysis – which does the work for the kidneys. Things improved, however I still didn’t feel great.
Health Recommendations: Two factors really improved my life: tweaking my dialysis schedule to suit my specific health needs and incorporating fitness into my life. My doctor and I worked together closely to decide what was best for me. As far as being fit, I learned that even with a chronic illness, fitness would help me feel better. I slowly transitioned from walking everyday to eventually having the confidence to go to my local gym.
The Results: Tweaking my dialysis regimen gave me a better quality of life. I feel like a normal person again. Active living has been icing on the cake. I feel strong. I look healthy. I even feel better psychologically. Now I understand that having a chronic illness is no excuse for being inactive.