Morgaine Craven


Age: 22
Occupation: Freelance Journalist, Sales Associate at LUSH
Health Issue: Deep, cystic acne
Symptoms: I always had bad acne as a teenager, however when I grew out of puberty and into adulthood I started getting deep cystic pimples along my jawline, across my cheeks and down my neck. I tried everything from high-end products to prescription medication in an effort to get rid of my horrible breakouts – nothing worked. A lot of the time, it would just dry out my skin and make everything worse.
Health Recommendations: I had always dismissed natural products, assuming they would not be strong enough for my skin. Then I tried a natural calamine, rose, tea tree and lavender wash – to my surprise it worked! Using natural ingredients like lavender, rose and calamine to soothe and balance my skin, while using antibacterial and antifungal tea tree to help treat my skin naturally gave it the balance it needed.
The Results: Using soothing natural ingredients instead of trying to strip my skin with harsh chemicals worked! I get the occasional spot or two, however it’s nothing like what I used to get. I have a renewed faith in natural products – and my skin has never looked better.