Saving Grace



We may always think of Debra Messing as Grace Adler from the beloved television sitcom Will & Grace. Messing, however, has moved on, and her life as a mom (to nine-year-old Roman) and actor is very full, hectic and happy. Besides just wrapping up an independent film and rehearsing for Outside Mullingar, debuting on Broadway soon, Messing is looking to produce. And she has to do all of this while keeping her tough-to-tame allergies in check.
Messing’s allergies first began to manifest themselves in her late teens with bad sore throats. “Everyone thought I had strep throat all the time because my throat would start closing up,” she recalls. At 21, Messing underwent rigorous testing and found out she was allergic to mold, mildew, flowers, down, wool, cashmere, and certain foods.
“As soon as I cut out all of the things that I tested positive for, it was as if life began for me,” says Messing. “It was incredible. When I stopped wearing wool and cashmere, and got rid of the down pillows in the house, it was unbelievable how much better I felt.”
Nature can be harder to tame though, and a change in climate can throw her allergies into a downward spiral. While filming a romantic scene with Dermot Mulroney in the lush English countryside for 2005’s The Wedding Date, production was halted because of her allergies. There were flowers and grass everywhere and Messing couldn’t stop sneezing. The beautiful redhead also came down with what she now refers to as an “Allergy Face.” She said her face basically blew up. “Watery eyes, red nose and puffiness,” says Messing. “Most unattractive.” It was so bad that they had to stop production and wait for Messing’s allergies to resolve themselves. “It was horrifying and embarrassing,” she says.

“I’ve tried many relief medicines and they either made me sleepy or edgy or didn’t last very long. The severe reactions would take away my self-confidence because I would be worrying about allergies and suddenly my eyes would start weeping and I’d get sneezy,” says Messing.
Messing has now started taking Zyrtec and finds it’s the only thing that works for her. “I can now go to the park for more than 15 minutes and play with Roman,” she says. “Finding something that helps my symptoms, gives me the confidence to plan and know that I can participate in the life I want to build for myself was a game changer.”

Harsh allergies can wreak havoc on anyone’s beauty – even someone as gorgeous as Messing. “I always carry tiny portable, single-dose saline eye drops with me,” she says. If her eyes get itchy, she can use them to wash away any pollen or dust that might have gotten into her eyes.
Messing has also found that keeping makeup brushes very clean is important in avoiding allergy attacks. “The brushes get so close to your eyes so it’s important to be vigilant in keeping your makeup brushes clean,” says Messing.
Lastly, Messing warns to stay away from makeup, skincare or hair care products that have heavy fragrances. “I only use fragrance-free products and this has really made a difference for me,” says Messing.