Shonda White


CHALLENGES: When I was younger, I didn’t really care about what I was eating or doing, which lead to me never really being fit. There also didn’t seem to be the same health hype that there is today. Now it’s all about fast weight loss pills, gym memberships and foods that are marketed as low in fat and good for you.
HEALTH RECOMMENDATIONS: I think the most important part of having a balanced lifestyle is education. It’s not just about knowing that vegetables are healthier than a chocolate bar and that you should exercise regularly. Find out where your food comes from, explore organic options, learn what benefits certain types of exercises can offer, try yoga at least once in your lifetime, and make sure that you share the knowledge you gain. There are a lot of scary things out there that can affect our health and we don’t even know about them yet. It’s going to take more than just fad diets and crunches to get ourselves on a path to healthy, balanced living that affects everyone physically, mentally, socially and economically. For me, the challenge isn’t to get to the gym, but to actually stay there. So, these one-hour classes are great, since once you start, you have no choice but to finish.